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Thread: Really high t3 temps!!! bad?!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    Really high t3 temps!!! bad?!

    Hey guys,
    I am in my second day of t3 following mallet's cycling instructions. I took 200mcg yester and today. This morning, my temperature when getting out of bed was 98.0. I went to the gym to do some cardio (45 minutes on the elliptical) and felt nauseated the whole time. Then I came back home and laid in my cool bed and fell asleep for 4 hours b/c I felt exhausted. When I woke up, I was just curious what my temp was and it read 101.4. So my question is this: do temperatures during the day count for anything? It was after 4 hours of straight sleep and it was very high. I do feel quite ****ty - dizzy, sleepy, and nausea.

    Any relavent information would be greatly appreciated.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    bump. nobody has any information on this?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Contact mallet he is the best with T3

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Yea, I was hoping he'd see this. Instead of just pm'ing him, I thought it would be beneficial for everybody to hear the answer.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Canada - TO
    Some people react with the sides you've mentioned, most people don't, i would recommend reducing the dose for the first time through (7 days) to let your body get use to supplementing with t3! One question did you take t3 on an empty stomach and go directly to the gym? also are you taking clen as well? I know I answered most of your questions via email, but it doesn't hurt to post this reply in the open forums as well.

    Quote Originally Posted by supirman45
    Hey guys,
    I am in my second day of t3 following mallet's cycling instructions. I took 200mcg yester and today. This morning, my temperature when getting out of bed was 98.0. I went to the gym to do some cardio (45 minutes on the elliptical) and felt nauseated the whole time. Then I came back home and laid in my cool bed and fell asleep for 4 hours b/c I felt exhausted. When I woke up, I was just curious what my temp was and it read 101.4. So my question is this: do temperatures during the day count for anything? It was after 4 hours of straight sleep and it was very high. I do feel quite ****ty - dizzy, sleepy, and nausea.

    Any relavent information would be greatly appreciated.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Geeeeezzzz...took you long enough to answer the guys question....stay in the game man!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Mallet
    Some people react with the sides you've mentioned, most people don't, i would recommend reducing the dose for the first time through (7 days) to let your body get use to supplementing with t3! One question did you take t3 on an empty stomach and go directly to the gym? also are you taking clen as well? I know I answered most of your questions via email, but it doesn't hurt to post this reply in the open forums as well.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2004
    are you not supposed to take t3 on an empty stomach?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Da Bull
    Geeeeezzzz...took you long enough to answer the guys question....stay in the game man!!
    ...I couldn't find the appropriate smiley to express my true feelings towards you DB!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Mallet
    ...I couldn't find the appropriate smiley to express my true feelings towards you DB!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I did not take t3 on an empty stomach, and I did take 50mg of clen today. Yesterday I took the full 200mcg of t3 but with no clen. I had some nausea, but not like today. I actually went to the gym about 5 hours after I took the t3 b/c I had some things I needed to do this morning before heading to the gym. I'll try dropping the dose down and see if things are more tolerable tomorrow.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2004
    my 1st guess would be that your temp never stopped increasing. which would lead me to believe that 200mcg is too much. please keep your updates coming. im waiting for existing t3 in my system to go away so i can try to cycle it mallets way.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    my temp getting out of bed is 97.9 this morning. It just seems that when I did take the 200mcg in the morning that my temp just steadily increased all day long as it started getting absorbed into my body. I'm gonna try 150mcg today, along with 50mg of clen again. We'll see what happens.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Mallet
    ...I couldn't find the appropriate smiley to express my true feelings towards you DB!
    Mabey they need a smiley in the shape of a bird.

  14. #14
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    Philly - Better than you
    you started off with 200 mcg's? That is really really high. Research T3 some more before you ruin your thyroid gland or have a thyroid storm.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    I am only at 75 mcg right now...and I've been at it for about 3 weeks...200 is high...unless Mallet is helping and he's aware?
    Blonde and ambitious!!

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  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jhn36
    Mabey they need a smiley in the shape of a bird.
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  17. #17
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    Mar 2002
    Yes, Mallet instructed me to start at 200mcg. The first day at 200 i seemed ok, but the second day I added in clen and it f'ed me all up. Today at 150 wasn't too bad, still felt like crap half the day and nauseated - again with clen. I'm gonna try 150 without clen tomorrow, see if clen is the difference maker.

    Lozgod - I've been informed by a very knowing and educated person that the "ruin your thyroid" rumors are indeed myths. My thyroid levels suck anyway, so its not like it would make much of a difference.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lozgod
    you started off with 200 mcg's? That is really really high. Research T3 some more before you ruin your thyroid gland or have a thyroid storm.

    Thyroid storm only occurs when your in a hyperthyroid state? which is a RT above 99.0..which he wasn't...and ruining your thyroid gland would be pretty hard to do even if you tried!

  19. #19
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    Other than the way you feel, how are your sleep patterns? and hows the training going? Clen is always a culprit to some degree with me, but i can usually tolerate 140mcg of clen with 240mcg of t3..but were all different.

    Quote Originally Posted by supirman45
    Yes, Mallet instructed me to start at 200mcg. The first day at 200 i seemed ok, but the second day I added in clen and it f'ed me all up. Today at 150 wasn't too bad, still felt like crap half the day and nauseated - again with clen. I'm gonna try 150 without clen tomorrow, see if clen is the difference maker.

    Lozgod - I've been informed by a very knowing and educated person that the "ruin your thyroid" rumors are indeed myths. My thyroid levels suck anyway, so its not like it would make much of a difference.

  20. #20
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    I've been sleeping great actually. I actually have been sleeping too much. During the day on Saturday I slept about 10 extra hours, and I slept about an extra 5 hours yesterday during they day. I've been sleeping 7-8 hours at night which is my normal sleep range. Saturday and Sunday are my off days from the gym. Friday I did lift(that was my first 200mcg day, w/o clen) and I started out kinda weak, but as I got more into it I felt great. I'm thinking the combination of t3 with the clen seems to be the problem, so I'll try t3 with no clen today and see how things go. I'll report back later today.

    ALso, just got out bed, temp was 97.8.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Canada - TO
    What was your resting temp before you started again? 97.8 is a bit low, I know you lowered your dose to 150mcg, so that explains the drop in temp.

  22. #22
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    Upon starting my temp was low, right around 97.0. I did wuss out and take some tylenol yesterday to alleviate some of the immense pains i'm having in my quad from my prop injection, this probably brought my temp down maybe a bit.

  23. #23
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    Mar 2002
    ok, just to give an update. I took 150mcg t3 again today but this time without clen and I'm having no sides whatsoever. I have no nausea or excessive temps. Also, I haven't slept all day which is what I had done for the 2 previous days. I guess I just wasn't mean to take t3 and clen together!

  24. #24
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    Canada - TO
    Quote Originally Posted by supirman45
    ok, just to give an update. I took 150mcg t3 again today but this time without clen and I'm having no sides whatsoever. I have no nausea or excessive temps. Also, I haven't slept all day which is what I had done for the 2 previous days. I guess I just wasn't mean to take t3 and clen together!
    Does your clen contain Keto?

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I have no idea. I have liquid clen from ___ & ___ . I'll ask them and see what they say.
    Last edited by supirman45; 05-24-2004 at 08:08 PM.

  26. #26
    That's exactly what I was thinking... I remember when ** used to put keto in his superclen so you could run it longer than 2 weeks, that **** made you sleepy as hell.

  27. #27
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    Mar 2002
    I dunno. I took this clen for 2 weeks (2 weeks ago) and never had any sleepiness with it. I was wired up all day. It seems that the combination of the t3 and clen though is working against me. I did fall asleep today for about an hour and a half before I went to workout, but after I got into my workout I felt fine.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by supirman45
    I have no idea. I have liquid clen from *** and *** @ meso. I'll ask them and see what they say.
    Isn't this source posting? You might want to delete their names.
    Last edited by spout; 05-24-2004 at 08:32 PM. Reason: adding
    Blonde and ambitious!!

    Medical Specialist
    [email protected]

    [email protected]
    Anything I say is for educational purposes only, and is not intended to diagnose or treat. Please consult with your medical practitioner.

  29. #29
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    In a cage near you...
    Quote Originally Posted by spout
    Isn't this source posting? You might want to delete their names.
    Now there's a women after my own heart...

  30. #30
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    Mar 2002
    again, my temp this morning was 97.8. I'm going to stick with 150 mcg today just to get used to it some more. Yesterday was a pretty good day, only some slight nausea and minimal sleepiness. Hopefully today will be even better.

  31. #31
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    Canada - TO
    YA you could stick to 150 for this time around and then go back up to 200 for next 7 days to get your temp into the 98's...

    Quote Originally Posted by supirman45
    again, my temp this morning was 97.8. I'm going to stick with 150 mcg today just to get used to it some more. Yesterday was a pretty good day, only some slight nausea and minimal sleepiness. Hopefully today will be even better.

  32. #32
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    Mar 2002
    That's what I'm gonna try. Tomorrow will be by 1/2 day, then 1/2 again on thursday. I'll try the 200 on my next go round.

    I have noticed that my love handles and stomach seems to have gone down quite a bit. I haven't lost any weight (using some gear on top of this), but even my girlfriend noticed my abs last night - they're actually starting to show half way decent!

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    Canada - TO
    That's not uncommon? getting into the optimal range as soon as you can and sustaining that for a breif period, then stopping for 5 days and repeating will do wonders for fat loss without the dreaded rebound that you get from long drawn out t3 cycles.

    Quote Originally Posted by supirman45
    That's what I'm gonna try. Tomorrow will be by 1/2 day, then 1/2 again on thursday. I'll try the 200 on my next go round.

    I have noticed that my love handles and stomach seems to have gone down quite a bit. I haven't lost any weight (using some gear on top of this), but even my girlfriend noticed my abs last night - they're actually starting to show half way decent!

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I appreciate all your help Mallet. I'll be sure to keep everyone updated with the results.

  35. #35
    So are you taking all the pills at once or spacing them out through the day? I am taking t3 right now but I take four pills and spread it out...

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    i took them all at once

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    Canada - TO
    For the record on this thread, t3 has a half life of about 36 hours, so taking them all at once or splitting them up won't make any difference.

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