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  1. #1
    UrbanDawg's Avatar
    UrbanDawg is offline Banned
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    cozy little Ghetto in PA

    How to I mix this HCG ?

    I have atached pics of my HCG ampules. they came in pairs and it seems like one is the powder and the other is the oil or solvent. could someone ID these pics and point me to a document/post or give me some instructions on what to do. I will need to use this stuff every week on my next cycle.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails How to I mix this HCG ?-pregnyl.jpg  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    I think those are pregnyl 5000IU amps, right? If so, you probably want to get some additional BW and then use 5mLs to reconstitute, so you'll have a 1000IU/mL solution, and then each 500IU dose will be 0.5mL.
    To actually reconstitute, just inject the water along the side of the vial (not directly onto the "powder"). Gently swirl to reconstitute. Since it's an amp and not a vial, you may want to preload insulin syringes with 500IU doses and then freeze or refridgerate them.

  3. #3
    Tahq is offline Junior Member
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    With a longer cycle I would suggest low dose 2x weekly. Hgc will hold in bac water in a fridge for 60 days so you could stretch a 5000iu over and 8 week period at 312.5iu per .5ml injection. I would reconstitute in powder vial and then transfer it in a sterilized 10ml and add enough bw to put the total at 8ml...nice and easy. You could obviously adjust the dosing as needed and then reconstitute your next batch accordingly.

  4. #4
    UrbanDawg's Avatar
    UrbanDawg is offline Banned
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    cozy little Ghetto in PA

    Followup Question on HCG

    yes 5000s...
    I have a feeling ill have a PhD in Chem before this is all over..whew

    So - I guess I should order some BW, Sterile vials and 28g needles. Should the vilas be presealed or open rubber stopeer type ?

    Is there a specific kit I could get from P*Z that is optimal for this job ?

    Quote Originally Posted by einstein1905
    I think those are pregnyl 5000IU amps, right? If so, you probably want to get some additional BW and then use 5mLs to reconstitute, so you'll have a 1000IU/mL solution, and then each 500IU dose will be 0.5mL.
    To actually reconstitute, just inject the water along the side of the vial (not directly onto the "powder"). Gently swirl to reconstitute. Since it's an amp and not a vial, you may want to preload insulin syringes with 500IU doses and then freeze or refridgerate them.

  5. #5
    cpt steele's Avatar
    cpt steele is offline Anabolic Member
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    hmmm I guess I did mine wrong I mixed it up with what they gave and put it into a sterile vial. I am going to use a slin pin at .10

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    You could actually just get some BW and forget the vial. Just reconstitute the 5000IU in 2.5mL, which should fit in the amp, if I remember right. Then each 500IU dose would be 0.25mL. I'd just preload insulin pins with 0.25mL and refridgerate them.

  7. #7
    cpt steele's Avatar
    cpt steele is offline Anabolic Member
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    I have already made mine up and put it in a 5ml vial, and I dont have any bw

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by cpt steele
    I have already made mine up and put it in a 5ml vial, and I dont have any bw
    Sorry, that was for the thread starter. It's no problem to just use the 1mL either, it's just a small volume per injection, so accuracy is an issue, but it's not a huge concern with HCG .

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