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Thread: newbie deca questions

  1. #1

    newbie deca questions

    ok i am new to the whole needle thing, last summer i did half a cycle of dbol and gained 20 pounds..... i didnt like the water retention from dbol also i was noticing side effects....this summer i have decided to try deca, but the truth is i know nothing about injection, a friend of mine showed me where to put it in my shoulder and it seems to be working alright as far as where i put it, and ive seen no side effects accept mild rages and a desire and ability to blast my girl like its my day job , but also i have seen no results but im aware that it takes about 4-6 weeks, im 3 weeks into my cycle now going on 4, i have been taking 3 shots every week .... thing is i dont know how much that even is, the way the dealer told me to measure it was with CC's so i take 1 CC every monday, wed, fri..... i was told that in each bottle was 10 shots, the brand im taking is QV... to summarize my questions are A. how does CC's convert to MG's?, and B. am i taking way to much so that the dealer can sell me more faster? C. is there any additional advice anyone can give me ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    May first piece of adice would be to get some Test,or you run the risk of deca dick.Secondly.what is the concentration of the deca?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    ummm bro
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  4. #4
    deca dick? plese elaborate, not sure the conecntration box says QV deca 200 i think

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Each bottle is a total of 10cc's with 200 mg's of deca in each cc so that would make sense if you shoot 1 cc which equals 200 mg's you are getting 10 injects per bottle. I wouldnt run a deca only cycle i would a some test with that JMO though

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The Jungle
    Quote Originally Posted by newbie23
    ok i am new to the whole needle thing, last summer i did half a cycle of dbol and gained 20 pounds..... i didnt like the water retention from dbol also i was noticing side effects....this summer i have decided to try deca, but the truth is i know nothing about injection, a friend of mine showed me where to put it in my shoulder and it seems to be working alright as far as where i put it, and ive seen no side effects accept mild rages and a desire and ability to blast my girl like its my day job , but also i have seen no results but im aware that it takes about 4-6 weeks, im 3 weeks into my cycle now going on 4, i have been taking 3 shots every week .... thing is i dont know how much that even is, the way the dealer told me to measure it was with CC's so i take 1 CC every monday, wed, fri..... i was told that in each bottle was 10 shots, the brand im taking is QV... to summarize my questions are A. how does CC's convert to MG's?, and B. am i taking way to much so that the dealer can sell me more faster? C. is there any additional advice anyone can give me ?
    Dude, watch urself or ur really gonna mess ur body up. You dont know how much is going in you? Well if its QV its either 200 or 300mg per cc. Which is a lot if ur taking that three times a week, and without a test. Next, you NEED A TEST and a base for the cycle. Check out the educational threads, everything is gonna be explained there. Most answers here wont be handed to you when they are EVERYWHERE on the site. Check the educ. Threads and do searches. And learn more info cause if u stay on this path ur gonna mess urself up? How old are you man? Weight? Height?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by newbie23
    deca dick? plese elaborate, not sure the conecntration box says QV deca 200 i think
    deca will shut you down,and your libido will be in the cellar.That's in laymans terms. 1cc=200mgs.That's how much your shooting each time.So your running 600 mgs weekly deca,with NO test.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Halifax, Canada
    so you're prob taking 600mg of deca a week... he he he... kiss your nuts goodbye man

    You shouldn't go shooting stuff in your body without knowing what the hell you're doing.


    you're deca is prob 200mg/ml I'd assume. So 3 1cc shots a week= 600mg of deca a week. way too much in my opinion.

    Plus you shouldn't be getting "rages"... not with deca at all. And if you were holding water with dbols, then you'll blow up like a blow fish with deca

    So how many dbols a day were you taking on your "half cycle"... I'm just wondering what you term as a half cycle. Dbols shouldn't be used as a cycle anyway... maybe a cycle helper, starter, plateau fixer, but not a cycle by itself.

    I've never done more than 400mg a week of deca. Even at that level, I'd use test with its since you'll be shutting your system down pretty hard. Things might just go pretty limp very soon in your neither regions

    Well at least you're not taking 1000grams of deca on its own like another guy I knew... man that was pretty much unreal...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Strong Island
    go here:

    look at Novice Cycle #1-2

    this shoud give you a good idea of where you should you will see you are way off bro!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Halifax, Canada
    He he he... it would be sorta funny if it were 300mg/ml deca.. then that would mean you're taking like 900mg a week of deca on its own... crazy...

  11. #11
    ok im 20 years old, 160lbs and like 5'10...ok so if i take a test that will save my system?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by newbie23
    ok im 20 years old, 160lbs and like 5'10...ok so if i take a test that will save my system?
    Get Test ASAP,and run it 100mgs higher per week,than your Deca.So,you'll need to be running 700 mgs test weekly.

  13. #13
    ok asap for me would mean probably at lest 2 weeks, should i discontinue the deca until im fully prepared for a real cycle with the test?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Hmmm get reading bro you have a lot of catching up to do

  15. #15
    first off i wanna say i appreicate your help everyone and i admit that i know dick about this , i just wanna get bigger fast but i really dont wanna screw anything up and if it means i stop tommorrow ill do that

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2004
    just make sure u go get some test right away and dont use 600mg of deca ,use about 300mg and about 400mg of testosterona enathate,and some pct (gear) to recover, especially from deca.

  17. #17
    ok the test is on its way i should have it tommorrow, now is it safe to say with the test that i should be okay if i use the test from this point on? ie no "deca dick" ?? final newbie question i promise

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by newbie23
    ok im 20 years old, 160lbs and like 5'10...ok so if i take a test that will save my system?
    But your profile says.......

    February 23, 1982

    Which one is the lie?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I just finished my first round ever. yup it was deca only (with a little clen). I am now doing my pct. Nuts went to 50%. Sex drive was so so but even when I was ready, my turtle would go to sleep and pull his head in the shell! I only ran 400mg per week and it made workouts difficult. I would have to slam ephidrine like ju-ju bees to stay awake while working out........not kidding. Gains were good and I'm happy over all but I would have been farther ahead had I run some prop with it. Has something to do with popping your cherry and reading a lotta info how deca is the safest (sides vs. results). I guess we all live and learn.

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