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Thread: What roids would improve speed?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    What roids would improve speed?

    Now besides gainning muscle, what would ya'll recommend for speed, and stanama (i think i spelled that right) or endurance. The winstrol or oxandrolone something like that? Can someone provide me with a good cycle for speed and strength (lots of that) with little to no reguard to size (maybe something small like 5-10 pounds but something that I will keep into the season cause i need to be clean). Also what does anyone know about smoking weed and doing cycle's is it that bad for you? Wouldn't it calm you down if you were feelin "over pumped?" So if anybody has any good weed cycle tips let me know
    sus/deca/hydro j/k

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Oh boy Foot, well if you are looking for a cycle to gain speed, my want to get on a winny/Eq cycle, maybe throw some deca in there.
    The bigger you are the slower you tend to be.
    as far as the grass thing, well I am not goin to comment on that, I have heard mixed things about that on this board. Personally I don't smoke weed anymore, and I dont' incourage it, but it's your body..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Los Angeles
    605 the substance that helped ben johnson break the record. do a search for it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    furazbol or whatever, isn't that some sort of growth hormone, yea right i can't afford that shit......can I? How much would a decent cycle of that be about $800?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Dunno about furzabol and when I ran a search nuthin important came up. As far as gettin some speed- I am in the same boat brother.... I am a sophomore in college and am planning on moviing from D-End to MLB. This is cause I will be too small at D-1 level. And I am around the build of Urlacher so I think I can make the cut in the height and size dept.
    Just need some speed----

    Speed camps are essential no matter what drugs you take.

    The drugs to take- (*depending on how much you are willing to risk in the health dept.) ...........

    *Halotestin / *Finaplix / Anavar / Winny / Deca (but can be tested for over a year) / EQ / Primobolan Depot / Test (in low dosages) / HGH

    This summer I will be taking EQ/ Test/ Anavar with clenbuterol and HGH (pending I can afford it and get a legit product.)

    My training will include 2 months of a speed and conditioning camp along with Yoga to keep my shit limber so I don't get injured. (which becomes a big deal when you start adding rapid strength)

    Hoped that helped- Nut

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Rink!!
    as far as i know...Ben was on winny too...and yes he was drinking it..that is why they used the excuse that someone put it in his water bottle..and that he didn't know he was taking it...

    HEY WAIT A MINUTE...if Ben took Winny and got faster and it was put in his water bottle...THEN HEY...I have found the answer to one of the most unknown questions...YES YES YOU CAN DRINK WINNY!!!!!
    Last edited by Shredz; 02-10-2002 at 07:52 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Woodlands TX
    MR. Football..
    Im in the same delima as you are. Id just stick to injecting winny in your quads and calfs.. I have found this to be quite effective as I gained 10 lbs and it was usable gains that came with no water weight... Be sure to stick to olympic lifts such as squats cleans and snatches, they do wonders for your 20-30m bursts... Dont worry about getting bigger as it doesnt mean slower.. On other tip EAT EAT EAT SQUAT SQUAT SQUAT... youll be nice and juicy

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Yes, Ben Johnson was caught for Winny. I know that because it was the first time I'd ever heard the word Stanozolol. The stupid bastard said that somebody must have slipped it into his water bottle, but everyone knows that you can't drink winny!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Los Angeles
    furazabol is related to winny, but it the specific type that was best utilized for speed...its a japanese steroid that is seldom tested for.
    Not an expensive hormone

    I got this info from another site I am NOT the author

    Furazabol,miotolan,this was ben johnsons favorite its a very obscure steroid used by elite athletes, a secret steroid which was hard to detect i assume because it was working at lower doses,its only found in japan in 1mg tabs used to lower choloestrol at 2mg/day dose-dosage for body building not known ,someone tell me what the dose is for bodybuilder so we can prep the tabs,now in stock in powder form

    Only one company makes furazabol: Daiichi Seyaku (Japan).

    Historical perspective

    This steroid came made the news when Ben Johnson tested positive for it at the 1988 Olympics. Rumors were that it was this elusive steroid that helped him pass so many drug tests beforehand. Chemical analysis of alleged furazabol vials revealed it to be just repackaged stanolozol, though. Furazabol has been popular with track and field athletes because of its low detectability. It is a synthetic derivative of DHT, and tests for its metabolites only came out in 1990. Some athletes have escaped positive testing even when taking it up to three days before a competition. Some sources say that Bulgarian competitive athletes take it in small amounts to escape detection. It does not have much of a following in bodybuilding because it's difficult to get and very expensive at more than $1.30 for a 1-mg tablet.


    For the treatment of hyperlipidemia, the recommended dosage is 2-6 mg per day. However, for muscle and strength building, athletes report that a minimum of 10 mg a day is needed. And athletes often triple that amount. Because of its very short half-life, the drug has to be taken in multiple dosages throughout the day.

    Beneficial effects

    • Does not aromatize.
    • Has a low detectability on doping tests.
    • Effective for lowering blood lipids. It's used for that purpose in Japanese clinical medicine for patients susceptible to arteriosclerosis and elevated serum cholesterol levels.
    • Increases the level of HDL, better known as the good cholesterol.
    • Does not upset the water and electrolyte balance.

    Negative side effects

    • Has hepatotoxic potential at higher dosages.

    Drugs commonly stacked with furazabol

    Furazabol is normally used after going off orals with a higher detectability such as oxymethenolone and methandrostenolone.




    Contest preparation

    Furazobol, known by its trade name, Miotolan, is a synthetic derivative of dihydrotestosterone. Until 1990 this steroid was not detectable during any doping tests and could thus be taken by athletes even on the day of a competition. When looking at the application of Miotolan you learn even more unusual things: This steroid is used as a lipid reducer. It is suitable for long-term treatment of arteriosclerosis and hypercholesterolemia. Miotolan reduces the cholesterol level and increases the "good" HDL value. In Japan Miotolan is a standard treatment to lower cholesterol levels.

    This steroid does not cause water and salt retention and does not aromatize. Since the tablets are effective for only a brief period of time they must be taken several times a day. Miotolan has a predominantly androgenic effect and only a very low repression of the body's own testosterone production. Although it is potentially hepatoxic a possible reduced liver function seems unlikely if the daily manufacturer-recommended dose of 2-6 mg is not exceeded. Since athletes use considerably higher dosages the risk of liver poisoning cannot be excluded. The usual question-What is a performance improving dosage?-is difficult to answer. It is difficult because we do not know anybody who has ever taken this compound and be-cause technical literature does not have anything to report in this regard either. The daily dosage should be at least 10-20 tablets, that is 10-20 mg/day. Due to its low substance amount per tablet and its high cost, this steroid will probably not be successful with body-builders. (Possible doubts by readers that this steroid perhaps does not exist are inappropriate.) However, this steroid re-ally does exist.
    Last edited by solid90062; 02-10-2002 at 09:17 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    hey bro, imo and as an elite level athlete if you want speed then you want to stay away from the crooked camels if you now what i mean. weed will do nothing but hurt your efforts of being the best athlete yuou can be. just my opinion

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    land of the cottonheads(F
    ...........and remember, Ben Johnson ran a 9.7. That should be enough speed for you.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    actually Ben johnson's #1 drug of choice was oral turinabol. But he did also use furazbol. He was caught using winny supposidly. But due to joint problems brought on by winny he and his trainer claimed he had quit winny the year before. So some say that his sample was switched. At that time turinabol and furazbol were both undetectable.

    Before you decided on which anabolic to use. You need to first determine if and when you will be tested.


  13. #13
    winny and fina

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    New Jersey
    Winny works well to improve runner's speed. Deca, as others have said here, works OK, but yo'll retain water and I've found it made me a stronger runner, but a bit slower. I've had folks tell be Halo works too but it didn't sem to for me. Deca helps to reduce jopint pains, etc... Winny 40+mg/day, and you CAN drink winny. Search this site for details. I drink it every Saturday and Sunday.... grapefruit juice, a packet of Equal, and 50mg Stanol V. Beats Wheaties.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    just be careful of joint problems with winny.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    As far as Yoga is concerened that is a good Idea, but I play college ball also and my coach has recommened me to take Judo, he said that they stretch you very well, plus the throwing and use of other peoples momentum towards your advantage is very important to Dlineman, and Linebackers who have to shed defenders, just my 2 cents as a DE

    Also can you take Winny by itself? if you could what would a cycle look like?, and is there anything to take to combat the Balding?

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