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  1. #1
    -The_Bouncer- is offline Junior Member
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    May 2004

    Extend the cycle or not??

    Alright Ive got 2 questions for you boys.....
    I am currently on wk 8 of a test onlt cycle. (test e 500mg/wk, and test prop 150mg eod.) Im trying my best to stay away from the booze but find myself pokin alotta smot. I read that THC causes a chemical and hormnal imbalance in the body and thus makin your body produce more estrogen. Is this true and whats your opinion.
    Like I said Im on wk 8 and my doses are moderate and I feel im still not gaining what I should. Ive only gained about 10 lbs in 8 wks. This is a 14wk cycle and I was wondering what you boys thought about if I decided to keep the doses the same all the way through but add on a few more wks.
    wk 1-6 prop 150mg eod
    wk4-12 test e 500mg/ mon/thurs
    wk 10-14 prop 150mg eod
    PCT an anti es
    stats; 190lbs, 5'8, 16%bf
    I was thinkin of making it like a 16-18 wk cycle and start the prop again somewhere between wk 12-14.

    let me know what you think.

  2. #2
    jmp51483's Avatar
    jmp51483 is offline Member
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    First I think your prop should have been ED... But only 10lbs in 8 weeks doesn't sound right... How hard are you training? what does your diet look like?? Im on a test E only cycle on week 9 and I've went from 196 to 231... Eating is the key bro! How many cycles have you done?

  3. #3
    Russ616's Avatar
    Russ616 is offline Senior Member
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    Anabolic Review
    Quote Originally Posted by jmp51483
    First I think your prop should have been ED... But only 10lbs in 8 weeks doesn't sound right... How hard are you training? what does your diet look like?? Im on a test E only cycle on week 9 and I've went from 196 to 231... Eating is the key bro! How many cycles have you done?
    First of all your results are not common ( from 196-231 ) You are either putting some fat on or doing everything perfect...35lbs in 9wks is AWESOME!!! But as for only gaining 10lbs in eight weeks that is fine. In another 6wks you should put on another 8-10 lbs and walk away with almost 20lbs gained. There is nothing wrong with that. I would not use the prop until wk 13, no need to bring it in at wk 10 and screw up your levels. On wk 13 and 14 try to keep the prop equal to what you were taking with the enth.
    In my opinion you are doing fine. Just need to consume alot of good food and maybe try to cut back on cardio if you are doin it....

  4. #4
    jmp51483's Avatar
    jmp51483 is offline Member
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    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Russ616
    First of all your results are not common ( from 196-231 ) You are either putting some fat on or doing everything perfect...35lbs in 9wks is AWESOME!!! But as for only gaining 10lbs in eight weeks that is fine. In another 6wks you should put on another 8-10 lbs and walk away with almost 20lbs gained. There is nothing wrong with that. I would not use the prop until wk 13, no need to bring it in at wk 10 and screw up your levels. On wk 13 and 14 try to keep the prop equal to what you were taking with the enth.
    In my opinion you are doing fine. Just need to consume alot of good food and maybe try to cut back on cardio if you are doin it....
    Russ.. Feel free to check out my Before/During pictures in the members section

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