Whats up guys. Well it has been completed. My very first cycle of anabolic steroids: TEST CYPIONATE/400mgs a week/10 weeks. I feel real good, i gained a total of 17lbs, its a week and two days since my last injection and i'm a solid 15lbs heavier then when i started. All is good, i got my clomid. No signs of acne, bitch tits at all-(knock on wood) its all good. well just wanted to let you guys know how it was. I plan on doing a cycle of dbol in the near future. haha, i'm not sure if i can stick myself anymore, i got so big i can't reach around to my glute and safely inject myself, but i'll see. i'm thinking about 40mgs of dbol a day. well just wanted to say whats up, and good luck to everyone, i hope yall get as big and strong as you can be.
i'll get a pic soon, my stats: before cycle=(6' 223lbs about 15%bf)
post cycle=(6' 237lbs about 12%bf)