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  1. #1
    cdr1002 is offline New Member
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    EQ? what to stack with?

    should i run test with Equipoise ..or is it ok to run it by itself . Any anti estrogens needed? I'm just looking for lean mass. and this is the first cycle that im planning to take. any more advice u guys can give me.

    thanks a first post

  2. #2
    map200uk's Avatar
    map200uk is offline Anabolic Member
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    you could stack it with test prop
    which means ed or eod injections

  3. #3
    razor67's Avatar
    razor67 is offline Banned
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    test would be a good idea..anti-e's would be as well..
    test only would also be fine...

    whats your age and stats,time training ect

  4. #4
    tmeoe's Avatar
    tmeoe is offline Associate Member
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    Test is the base of any cycle so make sure you run test with the EQ. A prop/eq stack would provide some great lean mass, but since you'll need to run the eq at least 12wks then that would mean 12wks of ED injects of prop.

    I would stick to a longer ester such as Cypionate or Enanthate .

    BTW, what are your stats?

  5. #5
    cdr1002 is offline New Member
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    im 18..5'7 and 16% BF. Im new to roids and just looking for the best thing to start off with. I was looking into equipoise and deca . I'm pretty dedicated in training but it just seems like my strength is not moving.

  6. #6
    tmeoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdr1002
    im 18..5'7 and 16% BF. Im new to roids and just looking for the best thing to start off with. I was looking into equipoise and deca. I'm pretty dedicated in training but it just seems like my strength is not moving.
    Don't run the eq/deca . I think you should run test/eq first with a cutting diet to help with that bf%. You may also want to look into an ECA stack or some clenbuterol .

  7. #7
    map200uk's Avatar
    map200uk is offline Anabolic Member
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    hmm 18 is young, it may be a good idea to look at ECA as tmeo said and then clen ...prop / eq would be good but you're age is too young for aas as others will tell u

    as to the prop yea i know its a lot of injections if run for 12wks, the reason i recommended prop was due to the fact that it retains less water.

  8. #8
    cdr1002 is offline New Member
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    yeah i'm taking clen right now, i love it and maybe start some winny. So test/eq is the way to go? What happens if i just go with eq by itself? is there a big benefit by taking test with it?

  9. #9
    map200uk's Avatar
    map200uk is offline Anabolic Member
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    test is the base for ALL cycles, btw have a read of the steroid profiles

  10. #10
    Rhino58's Avatar
    Rhino58 is offline Senior Member
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    If you are 18, bottom line wait. Just hit the weights.

  11. #11
    tmeoe's Avatar
    tmeoe is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdr1002
    yeah i'm taking clen right now, i love it and maybe start some winny. So test/eq is the way to go? What happens if i just go with eq by itself? is there a big benefit by taking test with it?
    Whoa, slow down there. I wouldn't hit up the winny just yet. What doses of clen are you taking and for how long?

    Always, always use test as the base of any cycle bro. The eq will not give you the results you want on its own. It needs the test stacked with it. And there is a huge benefit to taking test with it, better gains for sure. I know people who have taken eq only and were not happy with the results.

    Also, if you should really reconsider hitting up the gear at your age, but i'm sure your gonna hear this all over the place. I'd rather you be safe than sorry.

  12. #12
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    18 is too young - spend the money on some good books and groceries...

  13. #13
    cdr1002 is offline New Member
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    I have been weight training since i was a freshman in high school. Now i want to take roids cause i know that i wont grow taller anymore. I live in orange couny, ca. and the roids are very common here. My friends seem to be taking it and are fine. Is there something that i should know why not to take it at 18?

    thanks ppl

  14. #14
    hercules88's Avatar
    hercules88 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rhino58
    If you are 18, bottom line wait. Just hit the weights.

    hes right, your to young to start. you have a lot of natty free flowin test. if your not growing than your diet sucks. and with q's like yours there is no way you are ready for AS. be safe about it bro.

  15. #15
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdr1002
    I have been weight training since i was a freshman in high school. Now i want to take roids cause i know that i wont grow taller anymore. I live in orange couny, ca. and the roids are very common here. My friends seem to be taking it and are fine. Is there something that i should know why not to take it at 18?

    thanks ppl
    There are soooo many threads on this. Basically at 18 your body is still matureing - whether you believe this or not... and your endocrine system is too complex and vulnerable at this stage. Not to mention, you are only 5'7" - and I would wait a few more years to be sure you can't squeeze out another inch... if this is possible - you will end the chance by using AAS. And your body is primed for growth at this young age - you can deal with a lot now as it is - hard training and good diet will go a long way at your stage. Have you applied several different training theories and principles? Have you read up on what proper diet for your body type is? Do you know what gets the most growth out of your system? Apparently not. Jumping straight into AAS at a young age won't help you any - you will gain weight you don't know how to retain and fail to learn anything about your system do to the artificial environment. My recommendation for you is to get some good books by reputable coaches, strength trainers and diet gurus (Polquin, Bompa, Hatfield, Mentzer, Arnold, ...) and apply some of that to know your body better - than in a few years... make this desicion.

    We can still help you here... whether you use AAS or not. Hang out, make some friends - talk training and diet... then when the time comes - you will be more prepared than you are now...

    Just my honest opinion...

  16. #16
    Rhino58's Avatar
    Rhino58 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior
    There are soooo many threads on this. Basically at 18 your body is still matureing - whether you believe this or not... and your endocrine system is too complex and vulnerable at this stage. Not to mention, you are only 5'7" - and I would wait a few more years to be sure you can't squeeze out another inch... if this is possible - you will end the chance by using AAS. And your body is primed for growth at this young age - you can deal with a lot now as it is - hard training and good diet will go a long way at your stage. Have you applied several different training theories and principles? Have you read up on what proper diet for your body type is? Do you know what gets the most growth out of your system? Apparently not. Jumping straight into AAS at a young age won't help you any - you will gain weight you don't know how to retain and fail to learn anything about your system do to the artificial environment. My recommendation for you is to get some good books by reputable coaches, strength trainers and diet gurus (Polquin, Bompa, Hatfield, Mentzer, Arnold, ...) and apply some of that to know your body better - than in a few years... make this desicion.

    We can still help you here... whether you use AAS or not. Hang out, make some friends - talk training and diet... then when the time comes - you will be more prepared than you are now...

    Just my honest opinion...
    A great one at that.

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