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Thread: Test e vs Test cyp

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Test e vs Test cyp

    Hey bros what is the difference between Test e and cyp other than price? I know they are interchangeable so what is the difference?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by kronik
    Hey bros what is the difference between Test e and cyp other than price? I know they are interchangeable so what is the difference?
    Honestly..... Nothing really.... Enth is one molecule lighter.... But this won't change the effects enough to be noticeable... For all intensive purposes, they should be considered the same.

    Well why do they make both you ask??

    Because back in the day the US made cyp, and other countries were making Enth.... So if you lived in the US you used cyp. But now you can get either one in all countries thanks to our great import and exporters....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    thanks bro...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Dante's Inferno
    i have to say that from my own personal experience that cyp gave me quite a bit more water retention then test e., i would rather run test e. any day

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by scotttiger54
    i have to say that from my own personal experience that cyp gave me quite a bit more water retention then test e., i would rather run test e. any day
    Bro.... I hear people say things like this time and time again.... But if you look at the two compounds from a scientific stand point.... They should give the exact same effects....

    The reason people seem to get different effects from one or the other is because of many other variables.... Diet, water intake, anti-e's taken, other drugs taken with it, etc, etc... See there is so many variables that can change the effects that your cycle gives you (especially amount of water retention...), that it may seem that one gives you a different effect then the other.... But... Science says it will not (if all given variables were the same).

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    nothing about 3 days long half life on the cypionate

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2004
    3 Days Longer half life. sorry

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Anhydro78
    3 Days Longer half life. sorry
    Actually. Enth is 10.5 days, and Cyp is 12 days... So only a difference of 1.5 days.... And believe me, this will not cause any different effect, expecially considering that most are injecting twice a week for the most stable blood concentration levels....

  9. #9
    aggreed here...i think the only diff. in molecule shape is one carbon...People will bicker and fight all day long about which is better but in all reality they are pretty much the same compound.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    scientifically they are supposed to have the same effect. but from my experience and i have used both quite a bit in the last 9 years cyp does give me a lot more water ret. with same diet and training, so i don't think that is it. I also think cyp has a little more kick in the strength and agression department. Not all things just cause they look the same on paper will actually give you the same reaction. Not all people will be the same but that was my take on the two and i have heard other people feel the same too.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Rhelm of Disarray
    Quote Originally Posted by Anhydro78
    3 Days Longer half life. sorry
    Actually the half life is only hours apart, about 6 I think.
    One carbon won't translate into multiple days.
    Pheedno has a very accurate chart for this...I had it but can't seem to locate it since I switched to XP.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Rhelm of Disarray
    Quote Originally Posted by Crankin'steiN
    Actually. Enth is 10.5 days, and Cyp is 12 days... So only a difference of 1.5 days.... And believe me, this will not cause any different effect, expecially considering that most are injecting twice a week for the most stable blood concentration levels....
    Those are "Active Lives" "Half Lives" are aroud 4.5 for Enanth, 5 for Cyp.
    But you 100% right, you won't notice any legitimate difference.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by TheSevnthWarrior
    Those are "Active Lives" "Half Lives" are aroud 4.5 for Enanth, 5 for Cyp.
    But you 100% right, you won't notice any legitimate difference.
    My bad... I confuse myself sometimes... LOL

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