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Thread: How can crack and steroids be in the same category???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    How can crack and steroids be in the same category???

    It just blows my mind how steroids get treated like crack. I just got done watching a documentary on the crack epidemic and the horrible destruction that it causes is crazy. It ruins people, families, neighborhoods, innocent people, society, etc. What does gear do...possibly cause some problems with the user. These are not problems which have a great potential to destroy the lives of the users and others. How many of you have pawned your dads vcr in order to get a vial of test?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Philly - Better than you
    Well it is political I think. As bas as crack still is, politicians need new platforms and create new public mountains out of molehills. If you don't live near the crack areas (I do) you soon get tired of hearing the same thing over and over, so to rock the boat, I'll declare war on steroids. It causes liver cancer, spreads Aids and Hep C, and is being abused by high school athletes..........and you probaly wouldn't believe it but it is as common as cigarettes and your teen could be using them right now with deadly consequences.
    Vote democrat and get steroids off the streets.
    See how it works.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    yea, it is ****ing stupid

    i try to explain this to people i know who are all nazi about steroids...its not like im robbing people or hurting them but hey this is how the world is :|

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    And because they are legally labled as such, there is a strong negative stigma that follows

  5. #5
    One helps you lose weight while the other helps you gain weight.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Philly - Better than you
    Quote Originally Posted by ChallyRT
    One helps you lose weight while the other helps you gain weight.

    Yeah I am gonna start a Crack/Clen/T3/DNP cycle next week. Anyone got a good crack ssource, mine charges 19k a key, I am sure someone has better. PM me. lol

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Dont ask for sources on this board....ignore any pm's from crack dealers


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    lol crack/clen/t3/dnp ...killer cycle

    ur gonna drop some lbs thats for sure:P

  9. #9
    LORDBLiTZ Guest
    It's political, and very stupid. I'm glad i live in canada where the laws are lax.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Crack heads will trade their kids for sex to get crack!!!, Make their kids sell crack!!!, Trade their kids food stamps for crack!!! And have a better chance of getting probation when busted.

    You have the sports commision to thank for make steroids illegal. Just remember that when we support their functions. Also senator beden. And we can thank them for the Pro-hormone ban.

    This is an article form another site.

    The Effects of Anabolic Steroid Propaganda on the Steroid Defendant
    by Rick Collins, JD, Author of LEGAL MUSCLE and

    Years of misleading government statements and poorly researched press reports about anabolic steroid side effects, presumably intended to discourage adolescent steroid usage, have distorted these hormones in the general public perception and tainted the attitudes of those in the criminal justice system. The defendant in any steroid prosecution is likely to be viewed through this haze of "scare tactic" misinformation. Based upon what they have heard or read, many prosecutors and judges see no reason to distinguish between the relative dangers of "hard drugs" like cocaine and heroin and the inherent risks of hormones like anabolic steroids. Indeed, media reports of violent "roid rage" tales have provoked some jurists to view anabolic steroids as an even greater social menace than narcotics. This mindset can result in harsher treatment in both possession and distribution cases than would be imposed by a more enlightened criminal justice system.

    Lawyers representing steroid defendants must be prepared to deal with this mindset, and to do everything possible to present a more truthful and accurate perception of these hormones. Anabolic steroids are quite different from cocaine, heroin, LSD and marijuana. While they fall within the same Controlled Substances Act as recreational drugs, these hormones "stand out as an anomaly among the codeine derivatives, central nervous system depressants, and stimulants that form the rest of the Schedule III substances."

    While the public is most familiar with anabolic steroids as used by Olympic or other competitive athletes cheating in drug tested events, most people who use steroids non-medically are noncompetitive weight trainers seeking purely cosmetic physique enhancement. The hormones are used in calculated "cycles" as part of an overall strategy including a high-protein diet, supplementation with vitamins and herbs, and high-intensity weight training to achieve physical improvement that might not be possible without them. Commentators from both the legal and medical communities have noted an interesting cultural irony in the comparison of anabolic steroid administration to cosmetic surgery procedures. In a society preoccupied with physical appearance, confidence and self-image are often intertwined with body shape and condition. Under the current views and laws of our society, it is criminal for a physician to administer anabolic steroids to a healthy adult for purposes of cosmetic physical enhancement. However, it is perfectly acceptable (and quite lucrative) to perform the much more radical and dangerous procedure of surgically implanting foreign prosthetics into virtually all parts of the human anatomy for the same purpose, subjecting patients to the potentially fatal risks associated with general anesthesia and post-surgical infection. Many more people have died or been permanently injured from botched liposuctions and other cosmetic surgery procedures in the past few years than in over forty years of non-medical anabolic steroid use.

    Of course, this is not to say that anabolic steroids cannot be harmful. Like all prescription medications, steroids can have adverse side effects, including serious ones, especially if self-administered in the absence of medical supervision. But contrary to the claims of government-sponsored physicians and anti-drug officials, the scientific literature is far less conclusive than is commonly thought. The actual risk levels for mature adult males using steroids are related to various factors, such as the dosages and duration of use, the specific types of compounds administered, the existence of any preexisting pathologies, etc. Recent research has determined the actual health risks to have been overstated to the public. In fact, the stigma attached to anabolic steroids has hindered their more extensive administration to those who might greatly benefit from them.

    The truth about anabolic steroid health risks is inconsistent with what the public, including those in the justice system (and members of Congress), have been led to believe. While a future reevaluation of the Control Act seems warranted, current laws do proscribe their non-medical use and it cannot be argued that any violators of the Controlled Substances Act should go unpunished. Nonetheless, false perceptions and unjustified fear may need to be directly confronted in cases where anti-steroid propaganda may be having an adverse effect upon plea negotiations or sentence.


    Rick Collins, Esq., is a lawyer who advises individuals and businesses in the strength, health and fitness communities and is a nationally recognized legal authority on anabolic steroids. He is the author of LEGAL MUSCLE, and has defended many clients charged with steroid offenses and other criminal accusations across the country and can be contacted for consultations at 516-294-0300 or through his Website at [This article is intended to be for informational purposes only, and is not to be construed as legal advice.]

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Philly - Better than you
    Quote Originally Posted by Anhydro78
    Crack heads will trade their kids for sex to get crack!!!, Make their kids sell crack!!!, Trade their kids food stamps for crack!!! And have a better chance of getting probation when busted.

    Well where I live 5 grams of crack which is about $150 worth is a mandatory 3 years in prison. No good time, literally 3 years day for day. So they are rough on coke where I live, but where I live people get murdered in broad day light for a corner so it is necassary, but I see your point.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2004
    I moved to a city a few years back the hood is the most disgusting place. They live like animals there. I think they should blow the ****in place up. On one side they are bitching the whole way about, police aint doing enough. And then when they go around busting people they like to throw statistics out there about how more black people are getting arrested than white. When I first moved there I was driving down the street with my girlfriend that I met up there and was in a bad part of town in the middle of the day. In a red minivan, bald headed dude with a long beard. And I had little black kids start running off porches and running after my car. I stopped and my girlfriend is like NOooooo. I was like what???????They are kids. I had like 4-5 kids pulling crack rocks out of their mouths trying to sell me crack. I know for a fact that a couple off them ran of porches that had adults on them. like their Moms and sh!t.

    That **** is just horrible. That is not American, That is not our culture and if they dont want to conform and adapt F@ck em. let them kill each other

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