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Thread: What can one EXPECT ???

  1. #1

    What can one EXPECT ???

    Ok, I need to vent just a little real quick.....

    Here's what I'm tired of seeing - people asking "what can i expect of this cycle". People, get a clue. You can expect to get out what you put in. Just b/c you're gonna be running a cycle of deca / t200 / dbol doesn't mean you're gonna gain 30 lean pounds. Sure, if you bust your ass, you probably will. But having the somewhat "couch-potato" lifestyle isn't going to get you anywhere while you're on a cycle. The only way you're going to see results is by busting your ass in the gym. Lift, lift, and when you can't lift anymore - shit...lift some more! Proper diet, sleep, and training is going to get you the pounds you want (or don't want) and the size you want. It doesn't matter how long you've trained for - it matters how you've trained.

    Ok, I think I'm done now.....Just had to get that off my chest.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Some kind of padded room...wearing some kinda white jacket...can't!
    Preach on bruthuh, preach on! I totally agree with you, I had some jack-ass tell me that my gear was fake because he didn't see any gains off the shitty stack he made up. I'm sure that his training was shit too.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Well said. I get that everyda from people at the gym etc...
    The mods and members on this board are the best but they don't have crystal balls, and they certainly can't stand over someone 24/7 for 10 weeks. We can only give advice on what you "should and shouldn't do, then it's up to the individual........
    Great Post Key.


  4. #4
    Come on, you can easily put on 10-15 pounds on any 10 week cycle without diet or exercise. The water will appear on your face and chest after 3-4 weeks without exercise if you follow a disciplined diet of chips, burgers and beer, so long as you get plenty of rest on the couch.

    That's the part that kills me. There are people that discredit us because they think all we did was take a pill or a shot to get this way. Now, that is what pisses me off! "I could be like you if I used that stuff"; BS! It takes more work than people can imagine. Most people couldn't even eat on a schedule, let alone train on one.

    Sorry Bro's for the Testy replies lately. You know how it is...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    thank u ,ive been wanting to do that for a long time.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Toronto, Canada
    Amen, and yes you can drink winny! had to throw that it in there after all the questions this week hehe

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    The dark jungle...
    I was scared for a second because I thought that Key was asking what to expect. In my mind I was thinking "He can't be serious!" Good post though...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    and one time at band camp yeah can you drink winny ha ha ha

  9. #9
    G-S Guest
    In defense of the "what can I expect" type threads, alot of people are looking for motivation in the form of a written reply from those on this site that they learn from. When they see a guy like Mike, or Cycleone, or BigKev say "Dude, if you do it right, you should get 25+ pounds, and easily keep 20." Then that re-assures them that they have made the right choice, and gives them some drive to really put into it exatly what they want to get out of it.

    BTW- since when can you drink winny?

  10. #10
    I agree with "Getting Stupid" 100% some guys want to hear from others who experienced with the same A/S or cycles. By the way 30lbs i dont think thats possible no matter how hard you bust your ass. Maybe insulin/GH/anadrol/test you might but not with you avarage cycles. + its all genetics anyway some guys will grow like crazy and some will not see those crazy gains no matter how hard they bust their ass.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    ON, Canada
    Originally posted by G Child
    Preach on bruthuh, preach on! I totally agree with you, I had some jack-ass tell me that my gear was fake because he didn't see any gains off the shitty stack he made up. I'm sure that his training was shit too.
    I hear you on that G. I don't know how many times I've heard guys bitch on how the gear they got was fake, when I know it was the same gear that I got from the same source. I ask them how much they get and how they took it? They said that they (snicker) don't think that they need as much as a normal guy would because they aren't that big. Besides, taking that much is too expensive, so they only took 1 shot of test and/or deca a week, an only 15-20mg of D-bol/day and they really haven't had a chance to pick up the extra protein and food they needed. As a matter of fact, they skipped lunch, and two days worth of w/o's. F@%king moron, of course it's not gonna work!!! Then, you got it, they are badmouthing the source. Burns my ass!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    By the way 30lbs i dont think thats possible no matter how hard you bust your ass.
    Russian: I'd have to disagree. My bro is 19 days in on his 1st cycle and already up and even 20lbs. I'd say he'll be well over 30lbs by the end.


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    im just going into week 5 and i have put on 17lbs but i have earned every pound

  14. #14
    Let me know how much he will keep and by the way half that gain is water. Hey i can eat "mcdonalds all day and put on 30lbs too" Look i am not trying to put anyone down there is a big diffrence when you talk about weight gain, "muscle gain" is more of what you should be looking for.

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