Ok, I need to vent just a little real quick.....
Here's what I'm tired of seeing - people asking "what can i expect of this cycle". People, get a clue. You can expect to get out what you put in. Just b/c you're gonna be running a cycle of deca / t200 / dbol doesn't mean you're gonna gain 30 lean pounds. Sure, if you bust your ass, you probably will. But having the somewhat "couch-potato" lifestyle isn't going to get you anywhere while you're on a cycle. The only way you're going to see results is by busting your ass in the gym. Lift, lift, and when you can't lift anymore - shit...lift some more! Proper diet, sleep, and training is going to get you the pounds you want (or don't want) and the size you want. It doesn't matter how long you've trained for - it matters how you've trained.
Ok, I think I'm done now.....Just had to get that off my chest.