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Thread: and Methandriol Dipropionate .... input on a stack?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Tokyo, Japan

    and Methandriol Dipropionate .... input on a stack?

    I am about to run a cycle of Tren, Equi, Stan, Prop, and Methandriol Dipropionate (along with the GH Im taking now) Ive done a few cycles before and have a pretty good idea of what I want to do. Just looking to get some outside input.

    "Just cause it hurts today doesnt mean it will hurt tomorrow"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    In a cage near you...
    What are you thinking of using dose wise? I personally think Methandriol Dipropionate is trash. I've used it before (denkall brand) and it didn't seem to do anything. I guess in theory it is supposed to keep your receptors open and make your other gear more effective. Have you thought of running masteron in place of the winny?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Tokyo, Japan
    Yah, especially since I fight MMA and is hell on my joints. How much of difference should that make? As far as the amounts:

    Wks 1-8
    Equip 100mg E.O.D.
    Tren 150mg a wk
    Prop 100mg E.O.D.
    Stan 50mg E.O.D.
    M.D. 2amps a week ("I've used it before (denkall brand) and it didn't seem to do anything") Ya I heard it suppose to open up your receptors, but I wondering if I would be taking enough to need it?

    Lastly as far as the cycle length as I have posted earlier Im an MMA guy and I would prefer to use short 8wk bursts. So my off time isnt so long! I would like to stay on indefinatly but I heard that its actually a waste cause eventually your receptors block up. (Usually I go 12wks)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Tokyo, Japan
    Sorry my last reply was a little vague what I ment was, Ive heard alot about the possible joint pain that comes with stan. So, it might be better to get masteron. But I havent used masteron before and at this point in time I dont have a ready supply of it. So, I was wondering what the difference in the two would be?

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