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Thread: steriod questions

  1. #1

    steriod questions

    Hello everyone,
    I'm new to the forum and thus far I am impressed with the informative community that has been setup. I've been researching steriods for a while now and I am considering doing a cycle. I'm only considering currently, as I believe that I need to do a lot more research before I partake in such a thing.
    I realize that most of the forum members are either serious/competitive or recreational body builders or strength athletes. My reasons for considering steroids are different, however I figure that more than a few members have knowledge in steriods that covers a vast aray of uses. . . body building to strength training to competitve athletics.
    I am a competitve runner. A track sprinter to be percise. I'm not really sure on what the best steriod(s) are for me to take. One that jumps out to me is Winstrol (stanzolol). I've heard of a lot of sprinters that do this steriod.
    Also, if I do steriods, I want to make sure I cover all bases. Is an anti-estrogen something I should also take? What kind of stuff do you take when you go off your cycle? I know anabolic steriods can have side effects. Are anti-estrogens and the stuff you might take after your cycle capable of producing negative side effects?
    When I go off my cycle will I be slower than I was before the cycle began? If I take steriods it will be for off-season training. I do no want to take the risk of a positive test durring competition. Are steriods not worth it if they are not done durring the competitive season for running?
    I have so many questions, but I'll end my post here for now. For the time being I will research more and look forward to your responses.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Re: steriod questions

    Originally posted by sprinter
    Hello everyone,
    I'm new to the forum and thus far I am impressed with the informative community that has been setup. I've been researching steriods for a while now and I am considering doing a cycle. I'm only considering currently, as I believe that I need to do a lot more research before I partake in such a thing.
    I realize that most of the forum members are either serious/competitive or recreational body builders or strength athletes. My reasons for considering steroids are different, however I figure that more than a few members have knowledge in steriods that covers a vast aray of uses. . . body building to strength training to competitve athletics.
    I am a competitve runner. A track sprinter to be percise. I'm not really sure on what the best steriod(s) are for me to take. One that jumps out to me is Winstrol (stanzolol). I've heard of a lot of sprinters that do this steriod.
    Also, if I do steriods, I want to make sure I cover all bases. Is an anti-estrogen something I should also take? What kind of stuff do you take when you go off your cycle? I know anabolic steriods can have side effects. Are anti-estrogens and the stuff you might take after your cycle capable of producing negative side effects?
    When I go off my cycle will I be slower than I was before the cycle began? If I take steriods it will be for off-season training. I do no want to take the risk of a positive test durring competition. Are steriods not worth it if they are not done durring the competitive season for running?
    I have so many questions, but I'll end my post here for now. For the time being I will research more and look forward to your responses.

    The reason winstrol is so popular among runners today stems from when Ben Johnson was tested positive for it. No steroid will specifically enhance contractile speed of muscle fibers, contrary to popular belief in the locker rooms. The reason Ben was on winstrol was primarily because it is a has a short half life and rapid clearance time (to pass detection tests) and has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. If you aren't going to be drug tested, it expends your options to the other forms of steroids that are non aromatising (to avoid water retention) and nervous system stimulating as well, such as trenbolone (which also has a short half life). The ideal steroid for a competitive sprinter should have the following qualities: short half life and quick clearance times, nervous system stimulating effect, and non aromatising/non progestinic (no water retention, useless weight). Winstrol, trenbolone acetate, and anavar are some that fit these qualities.

    Whether or not you will need to dictate an anti-estrogen is determined by what type of steroid you take. Some can and will aromatise into estrogen, whilst others will not, and with the latter there is no need for an anti estrogen.

    After your cycle you will need to take clomiphene citrate aka clomid which will help restore your natural testosterone production. (during the cycle, your body senses the supraphysiological androgen levels, and shuts down your natural testosterone production).

    The other questions you have are determined by other factors, like what your cycle is, do you have someone to help you that is proficient in detection avoidance methods, your specific training etc.

    Lastly, do you have the financial resources to adequately cover everything? (there are some world class coaches available that do offer personal consultation in steroid test detection avoidance)
    Last edited by B182; 09-19-2001 at 01:57 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Re: Re: steriod questions

    Originally posted by B182

    The reason winstrol is so popular among runners today stems from when Ben Johnson was tested positive for it. No steroid will specifically enhance contractile speed of muscle fibers, contrary to popular belief in the locker rooms. The reason Ben was on winstrol was primarily because it is a has a short half life and rapid clearance time (to pass detection tests) and has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. If you aren't going to be drug tested, it expends your options to the other forms of steroids that are non aromatising (to avoid water retention) and nervous system stimulating as well, such as trenbolone (which also has a short half life). The ideal steroid for a competitive sprinter should have the following qualities: short half life and quick clearance times, nervous system stimulating effect, and non aromatising/non progestinic (no water retention, useless weight). Winstrol, trenbolone, and anavar are some that fit these qualities.

    Whether or not you will need to dictate an anti-estrogen is determined by what type of steroid you take. Some can and will aromatise into estrogen, whilst others will not, and with the latter there is no need for an anti estrogen.

    After your cycle you will need to take clomiphene citrate aka clomid which will help restore your natural testosterone production. (during the cycle, your body senses the supraphysiological androgen levels, and shuts down your natural testosterone production).

    The other questions you have are determined by other factors, like what your cycle is, do you have someone to help you that is proficient in detection avoidance methods, your specific training etc.

    Lastly, do you have the financial resources to adequately cover everything? (there are some world class coaches available that do offer personal consultation in steroid test detection avoidance)

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