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well, sometimes PCT is blown out of proportion. i finished up my first cycle 2 months ago, and came out 28 lbs heavier, but then i lost 9. i knew i was gonna lose SOME, but when my pct got stolen i thought i was gonna lose most of it. all i did was increase my calories, take some tribulus, and right now im back on track.im gradually decreasing calories back down to maintenance and on my scales im still weighing in at 203.
my point is, if you stop lifting completely, throw yuir diet to crap, and get depressed and call it quits, ya you are gonna lose pretty much what you have earned through your cycle if you have no pct. on the other hand, if you KNOW how to deal with it, and you bust your ass with diet and training even after your cycle is over, you should be able to still keep most of what you got.
this doesnt mean im never gonna buy pct, cuzz on my next cycle i will. im just saying that if for some reason you cant get a hold of any or you lost posession of it like i did, theres still hope.