Road trip and wanted to know the best places to buy at in Mexico by the laredo border. Please give any info you have if you have done this before. Ex. Names roads anything.
Road trip and wanted to know the best places to buy at in Mexico by the laredo border. Please give any info you have if you have done this before. Ex. Names roads anything.
best prrices arent important real **** is important
Best prices? Best PLACES TO BUY as in who has real **** or most respected
Go at least 50 miles south of the border, 100 miles is preferable. This way you have a better chance of getting legit gear. Too many border towns in Mexico know that Americans will hop the border and buy gear to smuggle back with them, so they sell fake s***. Also walk to the pharm. whenever possible otherwise the Mexicans will get your plate number and report you to US customs border check, and you'll be f***ed!Have fun!
Keep this to PM's guys...
Avoid the farmacias for everything except anti-e's.
Get your gear at a granero. For locations, check the manufacturer's website. etc.
it depends on what u want. i usually just buy redi jects cause they are not worth faking. i walk into the first pharmacy that is not packed and usually buy 50 at a time with no problems. i have done this 4 times within the past year.
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