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Thread: quiting fina

  1. #1
    Krunchtime's Avatar
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    quiting fina

    I had to stop my sust fina cycle because of the kidney problems. I should have listened when I was told fina was extremely toxic on the kidneys. Fina works miracles for some but I guess Im not ready for something that strong.
    Going to take some time off and maybe start a new cycle. Ive got a few stack ideas brewing but I want to make sure they would be ok, so Im going to research a little more

  2. #2
    BIGGIE_smalls is offline Associate Member
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    **** bro, sorry to hear, better to be safe and stay in the game, than to run it hard for a short while, and be out of the game..

    what kind of trouble were you experiancing? just curious, cuz i'll be hoping on some home brew in a month


  3. #3
    Wrestlingkompressor's Avatar
    Wrestlingkompressor is offline Associate Member
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    I heard that liver problems were a myth with fina. What symptoms did you experience? How has it affected you?

  4. #4
    custom fit is offline Member
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    are you on any medications?

  5. #5
    Krunchtime's Avatar
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    It all sort of happened this week. First off my lower back would kill me whenever I did cardio. Right now from my lower right part of my back down to around my knee Im having bad pains and its hard to walk. I dont know if it is actually from fina but from what I have read about the kidney toxicity, it very well could be. Just dont have enough cycles under my belt to do something like tren .

  6. #6
    falker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wrestlingkompressor
    I heard that liver problems were a myth with fina. What symptoms did you experience? How has it affected you?
    He had Kidney probs...I have heard it's hard on the kidney's.
    I guess first symptom is pain in lower right side?

  7. #7
    Krunchtime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by falker
    He had Kidney probs...I have heard it's hard on the kidney's.
    I guess first symptom is pain in lower right side?
    Ive heard lots of people complaining about the back pumps it gives you during cardio. That was the first side I noticed

  8. #8
    custom fit is offline Member
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    hmm. i ran tren my first cycle with a med that had liver toxic sides, and my blood test came out fine. I feel for ya b/c tren is incredible.

  9. #9
    Wrestlingkompressor's Avatar
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    That stinks man, I'm gearing up to try some trenbelone enthante on my next cycle, this has me a little spooked. Did you take any liver support supplements while on cycle?

  10. #10
    Krunchtime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by custom fit
    hmm. i ran tren my first cycle with a med that had liver toxic sides, and my blood test came out fine. I feel for ya b/c tren is incredible.

    Have you had any problems with prop?

  11. #11
    Krunchtime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wrestlingkompressor
    That stinks man, I'm gearing up to try some trenbelone enthante on my next cycle, this has me a little spooked. Did you take any liver support supplements while on cycle?

    i was taking milk thistle but I think my liver was fine. Im thinking this is all kindeys that Im having problems with

  12. #12
    custom fit is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krunchtime
    Have you had any problems with prop?
    I ran prop/tren /winn and everything was fine.

    you should try prop/winn. Hopefully that'll work for you.

    also you should be drinking alot of water.

  13. #13
    Krunchtime's Avatar
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    I was thinking of something like that. Maybe even Prop and EQ

    And I was drinking a lot of water. And if its possible maybe even too much water

  14. #14
    joevette's Avatar
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    If the pain goes all the way to your knee like you said, I would doubt it has anything to do with your kidneys. Sounds more like an extended d-bol-like back pump. I'm going to say that tren doesn't hurt your kidneys, at least until someone shows me any evidence about tren and kidney toxicity. I mean it makes since for 17aa substances to hurt your liver, that's how they are designed, but what does tren have to do with the kidneys. Any thoughts?

  15. #15
    Krunchtime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joevette
    If the pain goes all the way to your knee like you said, I would doubt it has anything to do with your kidneys. Sounds more like an extended d-bol-like back pump. I'm going to say that tren doesn't hurt your kidneys, at least until someone shows me any evidence about tren and kidney toxicity. I mean it makes since for 17aa substances to hurt your liver, that's how they are designed, but what does tren have to do with the kidneys. Any thoughts?
    fina is very toxic on the kidneys. read this post about trenbolone acetate

  16. #16
    Matto20's Avatar
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    i don't know why some people put that toxic crap into their bodies. i would never even think of it.

  17. #17
    Krunchtime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matto20
    i don't know why some people put that toxic crap into their bodies. i would never even think of it.

    Ya I hate my muscles getting hard as rocks and my strength going through the roof.

  18. #18
    jerseyboy's Avatar
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    I've never had those kidney pains while using Tren but I always take Milk Thistle and Saw Palmetto.

  19. #19
    beefydragon's Avatar
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    well, best is to have your doc run some test and check it out... i would do a blood work after each cycle just to my sure my organs are in good condition...

  20. #20
    Matto20's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krunchtime
    Ya I hate my muscles getting hard as rocks and my strength going through the roof.

    yeah... your right. and who really cares if i get krohn's disease by the time i'm thirty years old? not me!

  21. #21
    firefitr5287's Avatar
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    I had the same back painss like you when I was on fina. It felt like being sore from a hard lower back workout all teh time, but went away after a week or two and plenty of cranberry juice and LOTS of water!.. Water is the key!

  22. #22
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    Trenbolone is relatively safe steroid all in all. There is some concern about kidney toxicity, but usually exaggerated. The beauty of trenbolone is that its one steroid that has it all : Its highly effective in its own, provides all lean gains which are fairly easy to maintain and isn't very prone to cause side-effects. Finaplix particularly provides you with a cheap source of trenbolone as well. The problem is making the cartridges into a sterile injectable or transdermal.

    This is a direct quote from the paper that was being espoused in the post you highlighted above. I just got off of a tren cycle and the back pumps were like nothing I have ever felt before. I would also get hamstring cramps if I was not really careful. IMHO if your pain is extending all the way down the back of your legs that could be some sort of impingment of your Sciatic nerve which is the main nerve that runs from your spinal cord down your glutes where it splits somewhere mid-thigh or below. Not to say that you are not having kidney problems but kidney problems are generally pretty high up and can move from the back to the sides. If your worried get it checked by a doc. Good luck.

  23. #23
    Krunchtime's Avatar
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    thanks for the comments. Right now Im drinking as much water and cranberry juice as I can stand. Also taking advil to see if that will help out at all. Ive completely stopped my cycle and if the pain doesnt go away by this weekend Im heading to the doctor. Going with something different in the next cycle.

  24. #24
    joevette's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krunchtime
    fina is very toxic on the kidneys. read this post about trenbolone acetate
    This is the only line in those articles that even mentions kidney toxicity: "Trenbolone is not particularly toxic though. Liver values are barely elevated while using it. Though there is no evidence or explanation to support this, some users reported a certain kidney-toxicity. Blood in urine and all that. While this was no doubt the result of a fake (Finaject used to be an often faked steroid shortly after its discontinuation) but I figured I'd mention it."

    As you can see, he doesn't think it is toxic either. So again, I don't think you are having liver problems. I think you are experiencing either cramping or excessive pumps similar to d-bol. But hey, go have your kidneys checked out and prove me wrong. I'll eat every word!

  25. #25
    animal-inside's Avatar
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    Tren /fina dose NOT cause kidney problems.. that wholoe myth started when some jackass said the glue used to hold the pellets together was toxic to kidneys

    M Y T H ! ! ! M Y T H ! ! ! M Y T H ! ! ! !

    although anything foriegn in your blood will make your kidneys WORK. their job is to remove waste from the blood. This is also part of the livers job. excess protien is considered Foriegn waste aswell as tylenol. So yes your kidneys will be "working" but it is not toxic to them. It is toxic if you consider tylenol/protein to be toxic as well.

    your lower back pain is MUSCLE pain. If you did you RESEARCH you would have cam across info that states "tren can cause painful muscle pumps which can be very apparent in your SHINS and LOWER BACK"... this is not lvier or kidney pain.

    When you are on gear and at the gym working out bi's do you ever get pumps that hurt? Well since when you walk your lower back and shins/calves are constantly under contraction they become pumped up JUST LIKE A BICEPS PUMP that becomes so "big" it is painful. Your kidneys are no where near the surface of your skin on your lower back. I bet the pain is very close to the surface of your lower back right? THerefor it is not your kidneys. Kidney pain would almost feel close to the centre of your torso about the height of your lower back. This goes the same for liver pain. Your liver is located in the centre of your mid torso, no where near your surface of your skin. It is located about 1-2 inches below your rib cage and closer to your spine. This is the easiest way I can explain this myth.

    I had a argument with a guy from my gym who said his "kidney" pains are almost sending him to the hostiptal. I asked him when do they start? Of course he says when he dose dead lifts squats and cardio. I asked him if he got shin splints along with his kidney pains when he did cardio. His answer was yes. I gave him the same explaination as I gave above and his doctor agreed.

    I asked my anatomy proffesour abotu kidney pains and kidney damage. He said you would be peeing blood before you had kidney pains.

  26. #26
    animal-inside's Avatar
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    Just wanted to add

    to help lesson your liver/kidneys work of filteriing out foriegn matter form your blood drink lots of water. Water will dillute the fluid so theres less work to do. Water dose not make the kidneys "work" so haveing alot of water to filtre and a bit of ie Tren to filter is not really hard on the liver/kidney. But having a small amount of water, and therefore a higher concentration of Tren, is harder for the kidney/liver.

  27. #27
    Krunchtime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joevette
    This is the only line in those articles that even mentions kidney toxicity: "Trenbolone is not particularly toxic though. Liver values are barely elevated while using it. Though there is no evidence or explanation to support this, some users reported a certain kidney-toxicity. Blood in urine and all that. While this was no doubt the result of a fake (Finaject used to be an often faked steroid shortly after its discontinuation) but I figured I'd mention it."

    As you can see, he doesn't think it is toxic either. So again, I don't think you are having liver problems. I think you are experiencing either cramping or excessive pumps similar to d-bol. But hey, go have your kidneys checked out and prove me wrong. I'll eat every word!
    Im getting them checked this week. Hopefully you wont be the one eating your words.

  28. #28
    beefydragon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krunchtime
    Im getting them checked this week. Hopefully you wont be the one eating your words.
    hey krunchtime, i wish you well with the lab test... rest up and you'll be back in no time...

  29. #29
    Krunchtime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beefydragon
    hey krunchtime, i wish you well with the lab test... rest up and you'll be back in no time...
    thanks man Ill let you know when I find out

  30. #30
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    i havent experienced any negative affects from Fina. in fact, i think its the best investment ive made on juice.

  31. #31
    Krunchtime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fighteveryone
    i havent experienced any negative affects from Fina. in fact, i think its the best investment ive made on juice.
    well then your are a lucky man

  32. #32
    FuKiN MoNSTeR's Avatar
    FuKiN MoNSTeR is offline Junior Member
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    i take cranberry extract and milk thistle and im doin fine

  33. #33
    waystar is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by animal-inside
    Tren /fina dose NOT cause kidney problems.. that wholoe myth started when some jackass said the glue used to hold the pellets together was toxic to kidneys

    M Y T H ! ! ! M Y T H ! ! ! M Y T H ! ! ! !

    although anything foriegn in your blood will make your kidneys WORK. their job is to remove waste from the blood. This is also part of the livers job. excess protien is considered Foriegn waste aswell as tylenol. So yes your kidneys will be "working" but it is not toxic to them. It is toxic if you consider tylenol/protein to be toxic as well.

    your lower back pain is MUSCLE pain. If you did you RESEARCH you would have cam across info that states "tren can cause painful muscle pumps which can be very apparent in your SHINS and LOWER BACK"... this is not lvier or kidney pain.

    When you are on gear and at the gym working out bi's do you ever get pumps that hurt? Well since when you walk your lower back and shins/calves are constantly under contraction they become pumped up JUST LIKE A BICEPS PUMP that becomes so "big" it is painful. Your kidneys are no where near the surface of your skin on your lower back. I bet the pain is very close to the surface of your lower back right? THerefor it is not your kidneys. Kidney pain would almost feel close to the centre of your torso about the height of your lower back. This goes the same for liver pain. Your liver is located in the centre of your mid torso, no where near your surface of your skin. It is located about 1-2 inches below your rib cage and closer to your spine. This is the easiest way I can explain this myth.

    I had a argument with a guy from my gym who said his "kidney" pains are almost sending him to the hostiptal. I asked him when do they start? Of course he says when he dose dead lifts squats and cardio. I asked him if he got shin splints along with his kidney pains when he did cardio. His answer was yes. I gave him the same explaination as I gave above and his doctor agreed.

    I asked my anatomy proffesour abotu kidney pains and kidney damage. He said you would be peeing blood before you had kidney pains.
    I think you hit it right on the head Bros. Simply makes sense. I have lower back pain right after I do dead lifts or squats. Even when I do reverse sit-ups to strenghten my lower back.
    Hurts so bad I need to sit down for awhile. Painful burning.

    So now I do squats at the "end" of the workout and try to keep my back really straight. It helps taking pressure off the lower back. Also on leg days I do most of my leg training on press machines. Anything that will support the back but at the same time can put a sh**load of weight on it.

    This is my work around the problem. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'm on test and fina.
    I have been reading that cranberry juice and milk thistle will help. Does it? I'm already drink 1.5 -2+ gal of water per day.


  34. #34
    juiceinthehood's Avatar
    juiceinthehood is offline Anabolic Member
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    get some cranberry extract it does for the kidneys what milk thistle does for the liver
    you will be fine if your stopping good luck bro stay away from fina

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