Well I'm on my 2nd day at 100mcg's and my resting temp shot up to 101.2. That's enough for me...I'm ramping back down and the rest of it's going down the toilet.
I called my Dr. and had a disscusion with him about this and he said that 100mcgs for some people can be dangerous. Also I asked him what he thought about Mallets T3 schedual and he told me that if I did it that way I would have either been in the hospital, or I would have been dead....And you know what? I believe him because if 100mcgs shot me up to 101.2...imagine what 250mcgs would have done?
Now I have nothing against Mallet or his ideas about t3 usage but I know for me atleast his method could have proved fatal.
Also I don't care if any of you wanna argue with me about any of this because this board is about discussion and I welcome any of your comments or concerns...