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Thread: Sust & D-bol??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Exclamation Sust & D-bol??

    sust 250 for 6 weeks @ 2cc/ week
    D-bol 5mg for 4 weeks @ 4tabs aday.
    vit and min supplements + milk thisle for liver and kidney flush values stay clear.

    Question is do i really need nolvadex? i know what it dose but will i be creating that much eastrogen and suffer that much gyno if i skipp it and do straight PCT clomid or just nolvadex or do i need the both?
    I know strange question but i cant get my hands on clomid and think i can get nolvadex. i already have the sust and d-bols.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    You can up your dbol to 30-40 mgs for 4-5 weeks.
    You will wanna run the susta for at least 2 more weeks.
    My experience: Susta took 6 weeks to kick in before I started seeing good workout increases. 6 weeks is too short. If it is a lack of money, then you dont have enough money for the food you need either. Save up.
    Ive never used milk thistle. It is a precautionary measure that is good to have. I have some in my med closet.
    Nolva is good to have and clomid is good if you wanna keep more of your results.
    I dont use too much nolva but it varies from person to person.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Thnks man i do got the money but figured i neednt pump my body and 3rd cycle too much but will got to 8 weeks on the sust d-bol can handel that too, its just hard getting the stock in aussie land you know.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    If it is your thrid cycle, you can add more to it. I figured it was your first cycle.

    IMO, susta seems to lack results at low doses. A lot of guys Ive talked to feel the same way. You need like 750 mgs to equal 500 mgs of regular test e. I used organon susta and had to up the dose. Maybe it was just me.

    Best of luck. How is Aussie these days. I would love to go there for vacation

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004


    yeah i figured that i would need to go higher with the sust. I was contemplating going for decca but im subject to testing and don have access to the test masking compounds ect. But the test is from oragon and its legit. im not sure about my d-bols though they are small and bkue in colour and come in both 5mg and 10 mgs but i never herd of blue ones only pinkies from tia land.

    aussie land is good bro go to sydney if you ever get the chance.

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