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Thread: A bit O advice?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    A bit O advice?

    S up, I finally am taking the juice off of the back burner. Been waiting for my work place to hit me up with the dope test.

    My question is: I am running a cycle consisting of: Prop/30ml, Fina/50ml, winstrol/20-40ml= (depending on how my ass feels) I am wanting to do some hardening/cutting!

    Would a diet consisting of: 15000 or less cals be depriving me of lean muscle?
    I am sure if not on juice it would, what are your thoughts?

    Looking for some experiance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    don't you mean 1500. if so 1500 sounds kind of low.

  3. #3
    I use this formula as a guideline to help me figure out how much I should be taking in during a cutting cycle. 1500 sounds a little low to me as well.

    Resting Metabolism (RM) = Body Weight (BW) * 11
    Total Cal/Day = RM * 1.35 (if you're working out everyday)

    Subtract 500 ~ 1000 cals/day off of your total Cal/day intake. I don't know if I would go below 2000 though.

    Of this 60% of the total intake comes from Protein, 25% from (good) carbs, and 15% from (good) fats.

    To get the exact number of grams of each/ day Do this:
    Protein requirements (PR): BW divided by 2.2 to get kilograms.

    PR X 2 grams = grams of protein each day.

    Protein has 4 calories per gram, Carbs have 4 cals/ gram, and Fats have 9 cals /gram

    Sorry for all the algebra, but I hope its useful

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Buckeye state
    how are u running the juice? what doeses? what weeks?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    lookin for a new home
    How are you gonna stack it all first off and don't forget the age old (and board favorite!!!!) injectable winny truths.... You can drink it!!!! Just thought I would throw that in there for some $hits and giggles.

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