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Thread: Winstrol tablets

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Winstrol tablets

    Hi a newcomer to the forum and also to gear. Was wondering what people thought of taking the weekend off from taking winstrol. If I drink over the weekend I'd like to give my liver a break. Is it imperative you take the tabs EVERY single day or is it something you can occassionally take a 1-2 day break from...not considering switching to Depot either...Thanks for reading and if you have a thought or comment on it id love to hear...


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    i think that you are suppose to take them ed and not drink there hard on the liver and you lose gains from drinking this is what ive heard anyone else correct me if im wrong

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    somewhere in Canada
    why drink when using gear? your wastign your money... its liek running 5 miles each day and eatign 5 pizza's a day......... quit drinking and do the winny ED.. or don;t do the winny..

    you would be much much happier to use test prop with your winny.. but it sounds like yuou don't liek needles.. if so i think you shoudln't do juice really.. winny only ain't worth it...

    it also sounds like your not dedicated enough to working out to use AAS..

    it also sounds like you need to do alot more educational reading before yuou take AAS

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    it doesnt really sound like you were ready for that cycle...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    that pretty much sums it up.....

    Quote Originally Posted by animal-inside
    why drink when using gear? your wastign your money... its liek running 5 miles each day and eatign 5 pizza's a day......... quit drinking and do the winny ED.. or don;t do the winny..

    you would be much much happier to use test prop with your winny.. but it sounds like yuou don't liek needles.. if so i think you shoudln't do juice really.. winny only ain't worth it...

    it also sounds like your not dedicated enough to working out to use AAS..

    it also sounds like you need to do alot more educational reading before yuou take AAS

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