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Thread: Cancer and Steroids

  1. #1

    Cancer and Steroids

    I was talking to a Friend that is a i asked him what he thinks about the use of steroids and basically this is what he said...... One cycle is fine around 27 years old cause that when your levels drop... he also said that the problem with steroids is the effects that come in the long run like cancer....what are the long run effects of steroids?.... he also stated that the hardest part of steroid use is gettin off steroids, which i can see what he was talking about or people would only be do one cycle...... should i worry about long run concerns by doin one cycle?? thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    with 1 cycle no probably not, the hard part is not becoming addicted to them

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by DeSiGn2
    I was talking to a Friend that is a i asked him what he thinks about the use of steroids and basically this is what he said...... One cycle is fine around 27 years old cause that when your levels drop... he also said that the problem with steroids is the effects that come in the long run like cancer....what are the long run effects of steroids?.... he also stated that the hardest part of steroid use is gettin off steroids, which i can see what he was talking about or people would only be do one cycle...... should i worry about long run concerns by doin one cycle?? thanks
    Well when you do a cycle, you grow grow grow like hell, but for about 6 months after your cycle... you dont grow anymore... if you stay OFF for full 6 months after cycle... no matter how much you try to prevent it, your gains during cycle are artificially influenced and hard to keep without higher then normal hormone levels in your blood.

    In otherwords you are thrilled and excited to see a whole year's worth of working out results grow on your body in a short 8 week period of time, but then after cycle you are pretty much guaranteed not to grow and even shrink some for up to a year post cycle. Many dudes are so disappointed to see themselves shrinking that they do another and another cycle to gain back what was lost in post cycle and even try to gain a little bit more each time.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Ntpadude
    Many dudes are so disappointed to see themselves shrinking that they do another and another cycle to gain back what was lost in post cycle and even try to gain a little bit more each time.
    yup, thats exactly where i am right now. 6 months after my cycle and i'm back...even though i said i wouldn't be, and for those reasons also...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    So you don't grow that much naturally after AS use? Can someone clarify this for me?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    i think if u upped the caloried and trained ur ass off maybe

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    i thought the use of eq and drugs like that help u to keep ur gains?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    You can maintain after a cycle... the question is for how long and how much. Every body is different. I know that sounds so cliche, but it is true. As for cancer, ask your nutritionist friend where the empirical data is to support his claim. The data just isn't out there.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Philly - Better than you
    You can keep alot of your gains after a cycle, WTF are you guys talking about. If you sit on your ass you will lose natural or steroid influenced gains, if you eat, sleep, and work out you keep alot.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    The more muscle you gain in a short period of time, the harder it will be to maintain naturally. But if you put on moderate ammounts of muscle, nothing too crazy too can keep it.

    Thats why its bad to build a base with drugs....your body doesnt know how to deal with big muscles. I trained for over 10 years before I took any AAS, and was a thickly muscled guy. so after my 1st cycle was over and I was carrying the extra beef, my body knew how to handle it.

    If a skinny guy with no muscle puts on 25lbs of meat and comes off cycle, his body has no clue how to keep it.

    Its all about homeostasis.


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Lozgod
    You can keep alot of your gains after a cycle, WTF are you guys talking about. If you sit on your ass you will lose natural or steroid influenced gains, if you eat, sleep, and work out you keep alot.
    I agree 100%

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Lozgod
    You can keep alot of your gains after a cycle, WTF are you guys talking about. If you sit on your ass you will lose natural or steroid influenced gains, if you eat, sleep, and work out you keep alot.
    I hope so, or what the hell is the point?

  14. #14
    actually, drugs such as anavar, primo, and even deca are known to be able to boost the immune system - which would definitely not cause cancer! however, drugs such as fina and perhaps winstrol would probably have a very negative effect due to toxicity. fina especially, as a member on the EF board came down with Krohn's disease due to overuse of fina over several years. that stuff CAN shutdown immune systems. it's just not worth it...

  15. #15
    add m1t to the list of probable cancer causing steroids (i mean, prohormones...)

  16. #16
    How is EQ and test Ent on the body....i read through the educational threads but they dont talk about long term effects.... thanks everyone for your info

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