I decided to shoot some B-12 for a week before my cycle to overcome the fear of the needle. I got the 250ml bottle of b-12 for $8 from the vet company Im sure so many of you know of. Ok heres what I did:
1.) I got my 3cc syringe and 1.5" 20G needle and stuck the needle through the rubbery top (I assume this is how your supposed to, because the top itself wouldn't come off?). I drew 1cc of the solution (1000mcg)
1.5) I yanked the needle off and changed it with a 1" 23G needle.
2.) I pushed the needle into my outer thigh until I thout I felt it pearce the muscle (Until it hurt I mean).
3.) I asspirated and nothing came back into the syringe (I thought bubbles were supposed too?).
4.) I slowly shot the 1cc into my leg, and then pulled the needle out and massaged for a little while.
Ok thats all I did, is that correct? It hurts a little bit, kind of like a numb hurting, not a sharp pain. When I stretch my quad it hurts where I shot the b-12. Is all this normal, if so will I get used to it??