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Thread: dnp/t3??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2003


    I have been reading around a lot about low dose dnp cycles for longer periods. Now seein the halflife is 36hrs long I would only take my 200mg dose every 36hrs or bump it up to 400mg if need be. Now I was reading that t3 will down regulate during the use of dnp, so my question is how much t3 do I use for maintenance or should I just run it like Mallets regular t3 cycle of 7/5? Any thoughts about even the run with the dnp run, Im all ears

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    you will be fine running dnp without t3 but if you do decide to take t3 only take half of a pill to a whole pill a day because you will not be using the t3 to lose weight. also from the reading i have done that if your only taking dnp at 200mgs a day after a week you will still have almost all of your thyroid function. i have run dnp twice in the past and have not used t3 and didnt feel that i need it but i also advocate lower dose dnp cycles and dont think that anyone needs to run over 200mgs to see results.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Kewl so as long as I stay in the 2-400mg range every 36hrs I would be fine

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    yes, a number of guys I talk to did some blast cycles of high doses for like 5 days and it didn't do anything but make them wish they were dead. Running only 200-400mg will not make you miserable, just hot.

    Also, to sleep at night, take benadryl and it will let you get a full night's sleep whereas without it you'll get probably 2-3 hours.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    The Lab
    Quote Originally Posted by cpt steele
    I have been reading around a lot about low dose dnp cycles for longer periods. Now seein the halflife is 36hrs long I would only take my 200mg dose every 36hrs or bump it up to 400mg if need be. Now I was reading that t3 will down regulate during the use of dnp, so my question is how much t3 do I use for maintenance or should I just run it like Mallets regular t3 cycle of 7/5? Any thoughts about even the run with the dnp run, Im all ears
    Run 25-50mcg throughout the entire DNP cycle.

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