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Thread: Help if you can t3 and clen

  1. #1

    Help if you can t3 and clen

    hey i finally started my cycle 200mg of deca a week my first shot was on saturday in the thigh. i have also been taking 100mg of clen since saturday also my question is after 2 weeks i come off clen and supposedly go on my t3 but everyone says take the t3 and clen together for better weight loss so i was going to take stacker 2 between the 2 week break then start the t3 and clen together and consume like 400gr of protein a day also do you think with me being 19%bf and 190 lbs i will see any diffrence from this cycle at all thx

  2. #2
    i know someone knows

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    If you're at 19%, you probably should have just done cardio and a clean diet to drop bodyfat very quickly beforehand. Running clen or ephedra when trying to recover your thyroid function (after using t3) is not wise, since both act against it's recovery.

    That's all the info I have for ya...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    umm how come there's no test??... also 200 mg of deca seems to be a waste (from what i have gathered on this board) a dose like that is mainly used for joint support but those who are trying to get gains from it usually go with 400 or so...i get the feeling you should have researched a little more before jumping on this cycle...o well it's your body good luck

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    i was about to mention what magic said...and yea 400+ seems to be a wise dose, and deca alone? major shutdown (althoug at that dose u should be ok)!

    i was a bit confused though deca and clen?!

    the 2 do the opposite , doesnt really work imo

  6. #6
    i am only running deca to aid in support of muscle that could be ate by t3 i willl be running the t3 for 2 weeks after the clen stops

  7. #7
    come on help me

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    i would have run test over deca. Deca shut me down hard for a long long time.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Canada - TO
    I would definatelty add some test, and 200mgs a week of deca is pretty minimal, i think you would be happier with 400mgs/week of deca. Deca isn't much of a muscle preserver, you need more androgenic gear than anabolic gear for preserving muscle IMO. Take the clen and t3 together and not oppsoing one another, a week on each followed by 5 days off or a week if you like will yeild the best results, try not to take ephedrine on the off days, caffeine will do fine. Ephedrine will have a negative effect on your thyroid function.

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