I just checked out the pictured on this web site.And 80% of the people look like SHIT!!! (exceptions for big kev and a few others)And the worst part are the reply's like "your back is looking big)"while his bicepts look like grapes"Or these guy's coming on looking like fat asses with 23% body fat "postinds things like"me after 6 weeks on cycle"Not that i'm huge (5'10''-180lbs 8% body fat)but i'mripped and woulden't post a pic looking like all these couch potato looking people"If you want to do a BEFORE AND AFTER PICTURE THAT'S O.K. BUT DON'T POST PICS LIKE "WHAT DO YOU THINK"WHEN ROSEANNE HAS A BETTER BOD'Y.wAIT TO YOU LOOK HALF DECEN"T,AND POST REPLIERS DON'T LIE ABOUT SAYING "YOUR ARMS LOOK BIG WHEN HE HA 30% B.F. ITS EMBARRISING "NO FLAME IMTENDED"![]()