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  1. #1
    UrbanDawg's Avatar
    UrbanDawg is offline Banned
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    are U doing Z-track injections ?

    I just started doing this techniqu where you displace the top skin and fat layer a half inch off center over the injection muscle by puling on the skin to the side before injecting. Once injected - you release. the idea is to prevent leakage by not having a straight needle path between the layers.

    Is everyone else doing this ?

  2. #2
    jmp51483's Avatar
    jmp51483 is offline Member
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    Haven't heard of it until now... Sounds interesting... But I usually don't have much, (if any) juice come out after I inject anyway??

  3. #3
    the dent depot's Avatar
    the dent depot is offline Senior Member
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    I use it...


  4. #4
    LilVito469's Avatar
    LilVito469 is offline Banned
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    sounda kinda painful, your ripping off a layer of skin?

  5. #5
    jmp51483's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LilVito469
    sounda kinda painful, your ripping off a layer of skin?

    lol, way to read into things bro!

  6. #6
    Jack87's Avatar
    Jack87 is offline Retired Vet
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    I've heard of it... It's not needed though IMO...
    I've never had much of anything leak out anyway...

    This is praticed more in the medical field and I'm
    no doctor just a juicer so I stick it straight

  7. #7
    Da Bull's Avatar
    Da Bull is offline Banned
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    I use this method on my delts...i seem to always leak there.

  8. #8
    jmp51483's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Da Bull
    I use this method on my delts...i seem to always leak there.

    I'm going to freeze your acct until I catch up with you in posts! Slow down Skippy!

  9. #9
    UrbanDawg's Avatar
    UrbanDawg is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by jmp51483
    I'm going to freeze your acct until I catch up with you in posts! Slow down Skippy!
    TEN FRIKN TOUSAND POSTS for DB - gotta be a record

  10. #10
    SportsMedVIP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jmp51483
    I'm going to freeze your acct until I catch up with you in posts! Slow down Skippy!
    Yeah, that shouldn't take too long.

  11. #11
    barbarian's Avatar
    barbarian is offline Banned
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    i use z track on my penis..that **** thing seems to leak out 6-7 times a day wihtout any control.....

  12. #12
    SV-1's Avatar
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    I've used it, works good. Now I use the air lock method.

  13. #13
    UrbanDawg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SV-1
    I've used it, works good. Now I use the air lock method.

    exaplain airlock ?

  14. #14
    the dent depot's Avatar
    the dent depot is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by UrbanDawg
    exaplain airlock ?
    Well, after you draw up the gear and change the know how you push all of the air out before you shoot? Well, leave a bubble in the bell ands shoot. I have done this and it works as well.

    I actually do a modified version of the z track...instead of holding the skin tight before shooting...I pull it tight once I pull the needle out....I guess it a reverse z track method then.

    The main reason I do it isnt to keep the gear from leaking out, but to trap the little ammount of blood that appears. Just to keep things clean. lol


  15. #15
    SV-1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UrbanDawg
    exaplain airlock ?
    Originally posted by 956Vette on MuscleSci:


    Intramuscular (IM) injections, as the name implies, administer drugs directly into the muscle beneath the subcutaneous tissue. This route allows quicker absorption than subcutaneous injections.

    In the UK the Z-track method is widely used, advocated by Beyea and Nicoll (1996) as it controls leakage into the surrounding tissues and is generally more comfortable for the patient.

    However, a comparative study of depot intramuscular injection techniques has revealed that the air-bubble method widely used in Canada and USA is significantly more effective at controlling seepage than the Z-track (Quartermaine, 1995).

    A further study compiled at the Bracton Centre, Specialist Mental Health Service, could provide no advantages to choosing either the air-bubble method or the Z-track method over each other.

    Complications of IM injections

    Complications can occur at the site of the injection following IM drug administration, such as seepage of the injection solution and/or bleeding from the injection site onto the skin, pain, irritation and even skin lesions. Such complications are widely recognised and have been investigated (Hay 1995, Murphy 1991). One cause of complications noted in these investigations is some degree of fault in the IM injection administration technique itself.

    Injection sites

    Taylor et al (1993) recommend the rotation of sites if a series of injections is to be administered, in order to reduce the risk of local reaction.

    IM injections should be given into the upper outer quadrant of either the thigh or buttock, into the gluteal muscles.

    Correctly identify the site

    Place patient on their side with their top leg flexed to relax the muscle.
    Mark out an imaginary cross thus dividing the area into four quarters.
    By injecting into the upper outer quadrant of the buttock, the sciatic nerve will be missed.
    Z-track technique

    Place the ulnar side of your non-dominant hand on the chosen injection site and stretch the skin taut.
    Hold the needle at 90 degrees to the skin.
    Plunge the needle in quickly, penetrating the muscle and leaving about a third of the needle exposed.
    Pull back on the plunger to observe for blood aspiration. If blood is aspirated the procedure should be discontinued.
    If no blood is aspirated, slowly and continuously inject the drug.
    After a couple of seconds withdraw the needle at the same angle at which it went in.
    Release the skin. This has the effect of breaking the needle track as the skin and subcutaneous layers move back over the muscle. The drug is therefore locked within the muscle. (Belanger, 1985)
    Air bubble technique

    The procedure for the air bubble technique differs from the Z-track in only one way. When drawing up the medication, a small bubble of air is also drawn up. This is injected into the muscle with the drug, thus forming an air lock in the muscle depot preventing the medication from seeping out along the needle track into other subcutaneous tissue or onto the skin. (Pritchard and Mallett 1992, Taylor et al 1993)

    Keen, (1986) suggests that the Z-track technique produces more pain at the injection site and this is further supported by MacGabhann (1996).

    Does experience improve IM technique?

    MacGabhann goes on to suggest that "The period of training for staff during the study highlighted disparate knowledge and practice of injection techniques. There was no working policy or procedure on administering injections to which staff could refer". This implies a potential discrepancy between ongoing training and improving techniques.

    Katsma and Smith (1997) suggest that the potential for pain experience in IM injections is due to the kinematics of injections, ie. the movement of the needle through muscle and tissue. He goes on to say "Minimizing of this effect is accomplished by controlling the needle trajectory during penetration along a linear path from point of contact to end point."

    The study invloved 35 RGNs and 21 3rd year student nurses. Student nurse characteristics differed from experienced nurses primarily in syringe angular positioning. They tended to be closer to the "textbook" style (which they had been recently taught) with angle at contact closer to vertical. However, kinematic characteristics describing the non-linear characteristics during needle penetration were not significantly different from those of experienced nurses.

    While it is fair to assume that the more experience a nurse has the more likely she will be to optimize a technique for IM administration, this study suggests the wide variability of the nurse kinematic characteristics argues against this optimization occurrence.


    There are arguments for and against both the Z-track method and the air bubble method of IM injection techniques and currently in the UK the most commonly used is different variants of the Z-track method (MacGabhann, 1996). This said, nurses should not become complacent in their abilities to administer injections. As the study by Katsma and Smith showed, some experienced nurses have a much poorer technique than those less experienced than them. To understand the rationale, supported by effective research, behind good injection technique can only serve as a benefit to the profession as a whole, our patients and the nurses of the future.


    Belanger MC (1985) Long acting neuroleptics: technique for intramuscular injection. Canadian Nurse. 81, 8, 41-44.

    Beyea, S., Nicoll, L.M. (1996) Back to basics. Administering Intramuscular Injections the right way. American Journal of Nursing 96:1, 34-35

    Hay J (1995) Complications at site of injection of depot neuroleptics. British Medical Journal. 311, 421.

    Katsma, D., Smith, G. Intramuscular injection mechanics: Does experience improve technique?Nursing Research, 46, 288-292, 1997.

    Mac Gabhann L (1996) A comparison of two depot injection techniques. Nursing Standard. 12, 37, 39-41

    Murphy JI (1991) Reducing the pain of intramuscular (IM) injections. Clinical Care. July/August, 35.

    Quartermaine S (1995) A comparative study of depot injection techniques. Nursing Times. 91, 30, 36-39.

    Pritchard AP, Mallett J (1992) The Royal Marsden Hospital Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures. Third edition. London, Blackwell Scientific.

    Taylor C, Lillis C, Le Mone P (1993) Fundamentals of Nursing: The Art and Science of Nursing Care. Second edition. Philadelphia PA, JB Lippincott.

  16. #16
    Executioner's Avatar
    Executioner is offline Banned
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    Real good info SV-1.

    I use this method on my delts...i seem to always leak there.

    Same here DB, my delts leak more fluid and more often than any other site.

  17. #17
    ColdSore's Avatar
    ColdSore is offline Banned
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    yep airlock is the way to go...i leave about 1/4cc of air in the syringe and well...all ive ever leaked when doing that is when i hit a vein or some thing and i get a gusher and some blood and oil comes out...but then i have a swab real handy for that so its ok

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