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Thread: Running Deca/EQ Together?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Running Deca/EQ Together?

    Whats up Bro's!

    I have been doing about 4hrs of research and can not find anything to answer my question that I have been pondering for a while. I am about to start my 4th cycle and want to run EQ. I was going to run dbol but cant because of the accutane I am taking. My question can EQ be ran with Deca. I know EQ is a lean muscle builder as deca is for more of your mass. Has anyone exp. with them together. I am looking at about:
    600mg deca wk
    400mg eq wk
    500mg test ent. wk

    Thanks in advance for the advice!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    I would do 400eq 400deca 600test

  3. #3
    Keep your test mg above your eq and deca

  4. #4

    Sorry man, but I find your opening thread to be a little comical. You are on a cycle of accutane right now, obviously trying to get rid of a serious bout of acne. WHY IN THE WORLD would you want to run that much androgens in your cycle if acne is an issue?!?!? That is a gram and a half of hormones you are pumping into your body per week. Is that really necessary? Are you a pro body builder or something? I dunno man, it just doesn't seem to add up, but good luck with your cycle.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Matto20

    Sorry man, but I find your opening thread to be a little comical. You are on a cycle of accutane right now, obviously trying to get rid of a serious bout of acne. WHY IN THE WORLD would you want to run that much androgens in your cycle if acne is an issue?!?!? That is a gram and a half of hormones you are pumping into your body per week. Is that really necessary? Are you a pro body builder or something? I dunno man, it just doesn't seem to add up, but good luck with your cycle.
    I agree. I also say pick one or the other. There is NO reason to run both of them together!

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