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Thread: Questions on cycle EQ and Winne

  1. #1

    Questions on cycle EQ and Winne

    I have some question about my first cycle I planed on doing cycle novice1-5( the one with EQ and winnie. I would like to keep my side effects to a minunal safe level. My first question evolves the anti estorgen nolvadex, i cannot get one from my dealer, so I was wonding if an over the counter one would work fine(ie. M by biotest), if so which one sould i go with. second i want to inject as little as often i was wonding how to inject the winne and eq i was hoping to only inject every other day, if this is ok how should i space it, also i was thinking about front loading the eq. Third I bought 75 clens aswell as taurine and possitum pills(for safe use), is it ok/safe to add clen to my cycle if so which week should i use it in. Last I was hoping to cut up and drop body fat during this cycle what should i keep my caliories at? Any advice would be greatly apperiated. Thank you

  2. #2

    Sorry This Is A Double Post

    Sorry this I double posted this message my computer froze writing the first one and didn't relize that it went though

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Buckeye state
    u can get nolva through a research site. if u need a god one shoot me a Pm and ill help ya out. Where's the test?? u need test. winny should be injected everyday cause it has a very short half life. Eq is shot 2X week. no need to front load eq. IMO fontloading is hyped up. do a search on clen before u use it. u should actually do some more reseach on anything before u start using. not meant to flame, but it appears u dont know much about what u are doing

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    The Lab
    1. People who sell steroids are not "Dealers", they're sources.

    2. Just drink the winny every day.

    3. You need test.

    4. Do a search for "Research sites", cuz you seem to be severely lacking in the PCT area.

    5. You should probably also head on down to the PCT forum for a little light reading as well.

    6. Did I mention you need some test. You can probably get that from your "source".

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