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Thread: Please Share your experiences on negative effects permanent or temporary you have had

  1. #1

    Please Share your experiences on negative effects permanent or temporary you have had

    I woudl like to know member experiences on negative effects they have had with AAS that have either been permanent or negative. Please also include your cycle and how much of each steroid you took. I think this would be helpful on newbies deciding whether steroids is good for them or not. Thanks.

  2. #2
    I guess no one had had any problems with their cycles. Reason I ask is I want to do a cycle eventually and I read a post by an older member here in his 40's who did a cycle of D-bol in high school and has had severe problems his entire life and said that he has probably shortened his lifespan by quite a few years.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    iv'e done one cycle it was 500mg/wk test e and had good results no sides nothin bad to say

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by butterface
    I guess no one had had any problems with their cycles. Reason I ask is I want to do a cycle eventually and I read a post by an older member here in his 40's who did a cycle of D-bol in high school and has had severe problems his entire life and said that he has probably shortened his lifespan by quite a few years.
    To speculate that a Dbol cycle in highschool is now responsible for whatever health issues he may be experiencing is nothing more than a guess, even if that guess were made by medical professionals. This is one of the reasons that AAS get a bad name too. Individuals that have used AAS and who have also developed health problems automatically attribute one to the other, with no direct connection.. People NOT using AAS experience various health issues all the time.....these very same health issues that you see in some of these AAS case studies. Coincidence is far different than cause and effect. Lyle Alzado, a brilliant former NFL lineman , made a completely unfounded conclusion that the cancer he developed was "caused" by his AAS use.....ever since, people have treated the statement as irrefutable proof that steroids cause cancer and kill

    My point is....just because someone says something is true, this certainly doesn't mean that something is true.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    a little bit of acne and oily skin.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    First thing ,some people are more prone to different genetic weakness. Some people have to battle gyno every cycle they do. I have done 10 cycles and havnt had gyno symtoms except for a few days out of a cycle.People that have it in their genetics to loose their hair will loose their hair at a increased rate. Then you have the guys that have their prostates swell up and their nuts ache!! That sh!t would scare the crap out of me but it doesnt seem to bother others, Now this is just speculation but I feel that these are the guys who are gonna have problems with testicular cancer and prostate problems. But I myself have never suffered one time from these symptoms. Then you have the blood pressure/ high cholesterol issue. I take my blood pressure when im on heavy androgens and take garlic for bad cholesterol. I take all my liver protectants and antioxidents. Orals are bad for increased liver values, But the whole thing is over exaggerated!!!!! What originally got this issue started was people taking massive amounts of orals for extented periods of time. What is an extreme amount??? 200mgs of Anadrol 50 everday for a 12 week cycle. I know someone who did that and he is an impressive dude, But these are the people that make orals look bad!! Presciption drugs and even tylenol can do the same to your liver. You know that when your liver trys to oxidize acetaminophine it becomes 7 times more toxic!!!! people that take tylenol all the time can suffer from liver damage as well. Then you have acne, I get acne but I feel its a small price to pay for the muscle. These are the major problems steroid users suffer from. I dont have a problem with any of them except the last.

    Now about this guy that claims that taking Dbol had caused permanent damage!!??? The only thing I can think of is if he took so much Dbol or was so sensitive to the substance that he got his blood pressure up to where caused permant heart damage.
    This unlikly unless he is an exception and is sensitive or took too much like an idiot!!! Really what this sounds like is a buddy of mine that is a hypochondriac he has taken steroids 3 different times and has yet to finish a cycle, First was winstrol which all he has to say about it is bad things, Then he got ahold off some Deca and against my advise wanted to do a Deca only cycle!! Well I gave him his first injection of either 400mgs or 500mgs i cant remeber but he called me 2-3 days later that he was experiancing all kind of problems. He swore that he was having a heart attack and made his wife take him to the hospital. His blood pressure was up but he wasnt having a heart attack. From this one shot he made the doctor give him a catscan all the differnet tests they do for strokes and heart damage.The doctors told him that there is no detectable heart damage. When you have a stroke or stress the heart you will have certain proteins in your system that these doctors can test for. And he still swears to this day that Deca caused permanent heart damage. He was crying about all this 2-3 days after the first shot!!! With a deconate ester it is impossible for this guy to have complications from Deca with in two days of admistering the drug. Then he went on hormone replacemnet therapy and was prescibed Halotestin. He took this at a dose of 10mgs a day and once again a few days latter in the emergency room. Again the doctors telling him that he want having a heart attack. This guy wants to blame me for injecting the Deca into him. He swears that hes ruined for life!!!! He has also called me up thinking he was gonna overdose because over the coarse of an evening he had taken three 5mg hydrocodones.. He asked how much is too much??????? I told him that it would be very unlikly that he would overdose from 15mgs of vicoden in a 6 hour period, he went to the hospital anyways...

    Anyways I bet if this guy is gonna die at an early age it will be from stress!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Ooh yeah this hypochondriac also has the same impression as the general public when it comes to testosterone, he thinks by taking it im going to have my penis shrivel up and my hair fall out,grow tits, and I am also growing cancers inside my body from the extra hormones. He also thinks that taking vitamins and supplements that are expired will hurt his liver. Hes the most ignorant worrier I have ever met, I could understand if he actually read somthing on the subject and had a ligit concern

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by einstein1905
    To speculate that a Dbol cycle in highschool is now responsible for whatever health issues he may be experiencing is nothing more than a guess, even if that guess were made by medical professionals. This is one of the reasons that AAS get a bad name too. Individuals that have used AAS and who have also developed health problems automatically attribute one to the other, with no direct connection.. People NOT using AAS experience various health issues all the time.....these very same health issues that you see in some of these AAS case studies. Coincidence is far different than cause and effect. Lyle Alzado, a brilliant former NFL lineman , made a completely unfounded conclusion that the cancer he developed was "caused" by his AAS use.....ever since, people have treated the statement as irrefutable proof that steroids cause cancer and kill

    My point is....just because someone says something is true, this certainly doesn't mean that something is true.
    yeh i saw a peice espn did on lyle alzado and even his doctors didn't agree that it was the steroids that did him in. Just because lyle thought that before he died he went on tv saying that and it made even more people that don't know better beleive it even more. Accusations like that by people who don't know why they are sick is why so many people think steroids will kill you.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Never had any bad experiences with it...Its a funny thing, when i was on, I was calm and in a great wasnt until months after i finished that i developed aggression and became impatient, when i wasnt on!!!!!!!!! lol

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    acne (test, tren)
    hunger (eq)
    night sweats (tren)
    bigger muscles (protein/test/tren/deca/eq/dbol/drol)
    high blood pressure (tren)
    aggression (any heavy androgen)

    thats what i've experienced so far...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    I've done 2 long cycles and the only issue I have is acne when the cycle ends (PCT). other than that, I am more calm, relaxed, happy, and a whole lot bigger

  12. #12
    Test - acne, accelerated hair loss, mild bloat
    EQ - acne, accelerated hair loss, bad anxiety and mental sides
    Primo - oily skin
    Var - NOTHING!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    my nipples are on the harder side on a regular basis which i think is due to progesterone (sp?) gyno from some odd russian deca i used. My a-dex/clomid treatment didnt change it at all.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    on the net
    elevated blood pressure and a slight increase in acne....oh yeah and a sex drive that is insatibale

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by einstein1905
    To speculate that a Dbol cycle in highschool is now responsible for whatever health issues he may be experiencing is nothing more than a guess, even if that guess were made by medical professionals. This is one of the reasons that AAS get a bad name too. Individuals that have used AAS and who have also developed health problems automatically attribute one to the other, with no direct connection.. People NOT using AAS experience various health issues all the time.....these very same health issues that you see in some of these AAS case studies. Coincidence is far different than cause and effect. Lyle Alzado, a brilliant former NFL lineman , made a completely unfounded conclusion that the cancer he developed was "caused" by his AAS use.....ever since, people have treated the statement as irrefutable proof that steroids cause cancer and kill

    My point is....just because someone says something is true, this certainly doesn't mean that something is true.
    its like when you forget something and you start thinking, "would i have forgotten that if i didn't do drugs when i was younger?" well, you probably would have forgotten either way, but since you >did< do drugs when you were younger, you question if that is the reason. if you didn't do drugs, you probably would have chaulked it up to just bad luck.

    to answer the original question:

    3 month cycle:
    75 mg tren ED
    80-90 mg prop ED
    10-20 mg nolva ED
    clomid at the end

    now i have horrific acne scars. doctor says 6 months to a year to fade, gf says they will probably never go away. doctor recommends laser treatment if they don't go away, my gf is convinced this is what i'll need. i absolutely will not take my shirt off infront of anyone except my gf anymore.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Dante's Inferno
    to be completley honest, hard on's bother me the most. lets face it, it gets to be kinda a pain in the ass walkin around with a 3/4 hard on all ****in day

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    on the net
    Quote Originally Posted by clockworks
    its like when you forget something and you start thinking, "would i have forgotten that if i didn't do drugs when i was younger?" well, you probably would have forgotten either way, but since you >did< do drugs when you were younger, you question if that is the reason. if you didn't do drugs, you probably would have chaulked it up to just bad luck.

    to answer the original question:

    3 month cycle:
    75 mg tren ED
    80-90 mg prop ED
    10-20 mg nolva ED
    clomid at the end

    now i have horrific acne scars. doctor says 6 months to a year to fade, gf says they will probably never go away. doctor recommends laser treatment if they don't go away, my gf is convinced this is what i'll need. i absolutely will not take my shirt off infront of anyone except my gf anymore.

    holy ****...look at what the cat dragged in

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by mass junkie
    holy ****...look at what the cat dragged in
    haha, hey mass...long time no see (sorry for the hijack). i posted a few things last week too. in one of the posts i say something, like "**** its been a long time since i browsed or posted"...=) heh, despite my terrible acne scars, 6 months later, i'm back on AR...wanting to cycle again (i got a bottle of prop, dbols, and methyl 1-test, but i'm scared of the acne again). yall were right...its addictive...=(

  19. #19
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Russian liquer plant
    I have only 1 side effect - bigger muscles:-)

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2004
    FULLY NUDE!!! me!
    crap test prop for 3 weeks
    nipples that puffed up grew some gland abit
    nolvadex and time healed it up pretty good
    gettin better all the time.

    SUX tho.

    eh.. tren doesn't aromatise right ... it wont gyno... (progesterone gyno possibly? which b6 will fix up right?

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