I had the same problem bro..... ionly got it once i reached 200+ mcg's. My friend also gets it at 180-200mcg's. neither of us take taurine heh..... i wake up sometimes int he middle of the night with the worst cramps.
I was at my gf's grandma's house a few months ago and i was nearing the end of my 2 weeks on clen - i was at like 220mcg's..... well everyone was standing outside talking (it was a party for her grandma's b-day) and i yawned and my mouth got stuck open..... and it felt like under my chin and all the way back to my neck had cramped. That was THE WORST cramp i've ever had - besides the one that woke me up when i was sleeping.....
I figured i'd let u know ur not the only one..... and u don't hafta worry about "feces" entering an open wound in your mouth being the cause