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Thread: Whats the difference in PAIN between Winny and Prop?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    UK and USA

    Whats the difference in PAIN between Winny and Prop?

    guys, I have used QV winny before and tolerated it reasonably well although there were a couple days when the pain in my delt was intense, the glute wasnt bad at all. I heard Winny is one of the most painful to shoot along with prop and was wondering how you guys would compare the two???

    I will be using BD Prop in an upcoming cycle......

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Winny hurts more as it's water based.

    Some prop hurts like crazy, but only if it's a sh*tty kind.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    I've never used Winny, but I am starting it in 3 weeks to add to my EQ/PROP cycle. Everyone said that PROP really hurts, but I've hadn't had much pain with it going in or the after effects. I have had a little soreness from it, but not like I've read about on the boards. My friend who is taking the same homemade prop said he is never shooting in his delt again because it hurt so much. Where as I alternate between my delts and glutes at 1.5cc (150mg) EOD. As for the Winny, I hear that it just burns a little going in because it's water based and the powder crystallizes and that's what burns.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    UK and USA
    Quote Originally Posted by DaFoNz
    I've never used Winny, but I am starting it in 3 weeks to add to my EQ/PROP cycle. Everyone said that PROP really hurts, but I've hadn't had much pain with it going in or the after effects. I have had a little soreness from it, but not like I've read about on the boards. My friend who is taking the same homemade prop said he is never shooting in his delt again because it hurt so much. Where as I alternate between my delts and glutes at 1.5cc (150mg) EOD. As for the Winny, I hear that it just burns a little going in because it's water based and the powder crystallizes and that's what burns.
    bro, shouldn't really hurt at all going in. Mine hurt later that evening, particularly in delts. In fact, the actual injects are smooth.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    UK and USA
    anybody else want to relate their experiences? thanks to swolecat and DaFonz

  6. #6
    hey i'm using whinny&finapro
    i'm only sore for a day or two but after
    few shots you don't notice
    any pain.just the rippness

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    I'm finding the winny very painful - it takes about a day for the pain to intensify and about 3 days for it to go away entirely. Feels like a wasp sting. Sometimes it interferes with my workout, Tris are bad, delts are worse, and quads weren't that bad (maybe the bigger muscle groups help to disperse it?).

    I've got to alternate it with oral winny to avoid feeling like a pin cushion!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Bugtussell, Arkansas

    I used QV prop in my last cycle. There wasn't any pain. I used .75cc per day for two weeks to jump start my cycle. It did make me as horny as a billy goat!!


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