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Thread: i want to try this later on

  1. #1

    i want to try this later on

    this could be a possible cycle for me in the next year in and a half. just want to know what you guys think of it.

    hgh 4iu/ed 1-12 weeks
    sus 250 250mg/wk 1-12 weeks
    anavar 50mg/ed 1-10 weeks
    clomid 100/50/50mg/d 12-15 weeks

    just a competitve olympic weightlifter( quick and explsive lifts) looking for true solid gains in strength, not much mass. righ now i am 23 about 5' 5" 155 lbs at 11% bf roughly. don't want to gain weight higher then 170lbs. just strength and cut some of the fat off. will not do halo( i now it is supposily ood for strength but harsh on the liver) and don't want to mess will with insulin( to dangerous in my opinion). but this looks like a good cycle to me, i know expensive, but if this will help me get a jump on competeting and lifting bigger weights and the gains pretty much stay, well worth it to me. looks like sides are at a mimiun with this cycle to me. what do u guys think. thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Right next door.
    ditch the sus and replace it with test enth 400-600 mg a week will do the trick. You don't want to mess with insulin but you will do hgh? Hmmmmmmmmmmm..........

  3. #3
    atleast with gh, it won't fuck with sugar levels and and that good shit, also won't black out and possible die, plus it will be super hard for me to et that much to prevent that. but i have heard of gh cycles w/o slin. thank for the reply though, what about upping the sus to 500mg/wk. alo what type of gh woud be best in some of your gys opinion. thanks

  4. #4
    i know slin and gh go real well together, but should i still get great results with out the slin

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