this could be a possible cycle for me in the next year in and a half. just want to know what you guys think of it.
hgh 4iu/ed 1-12 weeks
sus 250 250mg/wk 1-12 weeks
anavar 50mg/ed 1-10 weeks
clomid 100/50/50mg/d 12-15 weeks
just a competitve olympic weightlifter( quick and explsive lifts) looking for true solid gains in strength, not much mass. righ now i am 23 about 5' 5" 155 lbs at 11% bf roughly. don't want to gain weight higher then 170lbs. just strength and cut some of the fat off. will not do halo( i now it is supposily ood for strength but harsh on the liver) and don't want to mess will with insulin( to dangerous in my opinion). but this looks like a good cycle to me, i know expensive, but if this will help me get a jump on competeting and lifting bigger weights and the gains pretty much stay, well worth it to me. looks like sides are at a mimiun with this cycle to me. what do u guys think. thanks