How's it hanging bros,
i'm new to all of this, but have been frequenting the sight for a while now. i haven't done a cycle yet, but am planning one very soon. here's my dilema: i have 10/1cc vials of Sust 250 (Oragnon - Nile Company). i'm trying to get a hold of some Deca as well (not to stack necessarily, just rather do Deca). if someone could tell me exactly what i need for my first cycle (anti-e's, clomid, clen, etc.) and when to take them, i would really appreciate it. i am 6'0, 195 lbs, about 10-15% bodyfat, been working out on and off for past 3 years, consistently since past 7 months. i'm looking to gain lean muscle and shed fat. i have done alot of research on this board and have found it extremely helpful, but still not sure exactly how to do it right. i am not looking to stack multilpe roids, just want to test my body's reaction on one cycle before any future cycles.
is sust 250 a good cycle for a newbie??????
would i really even need any extra drugs like nolvadex on one single cycle??
i thank you all for your time and consideration.