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Thread: I'm new...PLEASE help me out

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    I'm new...PLEASE help me out

    How's it hanging bros,
    i'm new to all of this, but have been frequenting the sight for a while now. i haven't done a cycle yet, but am planning one very soon. here's my dilema: i have 10/1cc vials of Sust 250 (Oragnon - Nile Company). i'm trying to get a hold of some Deca as well (not to stack necessarily, just rather do Deca). if someone could tell me exactly what i need for my first cycle (anti-e's, clomid, clen, etc.) and when to take them, i would really appreciate it. i am 6'0, 195 lbs, about 10-15% bodyfat, been working out on and off for past 3 years, consistently since past 7 months. i'm looking to gain lean muscle and shed fat. i have done alot of research on this board and have found it extremely helpful, but still not sure exactly how to do it right. i am not looking to stack multilpe roids, just want to test my body's reaction on one cycle before any future cycles.

    is sust 250 a good cycle for a newbie??????

    would i really even need any extra drugs like nolvadex on one single cycle??

    i thank you all for your time and consideration.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    New York
    try this

    week 1 - 4 dbol - 30mg a day
    week 1 - 8 Deca - 400mg
    week 1 - 8 Sust250 - 500 mg

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Right next door.
    ask a mod

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    yea you need nolva and clomid no matter what if you're running sus. Some would argue that you wouldn't need nolva if you were just taking deca, but before taking deca, I refer you to Mike's post called "progesterone....." It's pretty recent. You might wanna try sus @ 500mgs/wk and deca @400mgs/wk for 10 wks. That would be a solid cycle. Of course, you will need to purchase more gear. You could take clen post cycle to cut you up, with the right amount of cardio and a good diet. Before starting any cycle though, I would make sure your diet is really good, and get more time of consistent weight training under your belt. JMO...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    thanx bro's,
    i really appreciate all the input. the main thing i'm confused about is when it comes to the "clomid--proviron---nolva therapy". when should EACH of these be taken: during cycle, on it, or after it or both. also how much each day and what weeks? Thanx again bro's. i really want to do this right.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    clomid - post cycle (try searching for "how do you take your clomid). There are a few different opinions on it
    nolva- if your nipples start to get itchy or you start to see any other signs of gyno while on cycle (search on nolva-lots of info on dosages and whatnot)
    I've never used proviron, so can't help you on that

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    start clomid 2.5 weeks after last injection of sust/deca

    keep anti-e on hand incase your nips hurt.

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