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Thread: Could use some help..

  1. #1

    Could use some help..

    Hello, First off i want to thank you guys again. I read and researched this board for the better part of 6 months before going on my first cycle this past december. My results were enormous, putting on around 25 pounds, gaining 5-6 MPH on my Fastball, and overall just experincing a great 20 weeks of training and dieting that really opened my eyes as to what you can do once you set your mind to it.

    Since then, ive dropped some of the weight, im back down to 182 from where i was at like 192-194. And im ready to start training again for the upcomming fall baseball season at school.

    Im 21 years old, and have a pretty good idea of what i want to run. Drug tests are not a problem, so i can do whatever i please, but if im going to do this again, i want to do it as correctly as i did it the last time.

    This being said, I was looking for a cycle that included Test E at 500mg's a Week, EQ, and Prop.

    My first cycle was basic Test E @ 500mg a week 1-10, nolva and clomid.

    Now im not 100% sure how to run the cycle with the 3 compounds. So ill sketch one out and if you could just give me a little insight as to how to correct it.

    1-4 Test Prop 50MG EOD
    1-10 EQ 400 MG/W
    1-13 Test E 500 Mg/W
    10-13 Test Prop 50MG EOD

    thanks again

  2. #2
    EQ is d@mn near worthless if not ran for at least 12 weeks IMO. Its slow acting so you probably wont see the benefits of EQ until week 5 or 6.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by MikeMC
    Hello, First off i want to thank you guys again. I read and researched this board for the better part of 6 months before going on my first cycle this past december. My results were enormous, putting on around 25 pounds, gaining 5-6 MPH on my Fastball, and overall just experincing a great 20 weeks of training and dieting that really opened my eyes as to what you can do once you set your mind to it.

    Since then, ive dropped some of the weight, im back down to 182 from where i was at like 192-194. And im ready to start training again for the upcomming fall baseball season at school.

    Im 21 years old, and have a pretty good idea of what i want to run. Drug tests are not a problem, so i can do whatever i please, but if im going to do this again, i want to do it as correctly as i did it the last time.

    This being said, I was looking for a cycle that included Test E at 500mg's a Week, EQ, and Prop.

    My first cycle was basic Test E @ 500mg a week 1-10, nolva and clomid.

    Now im not 100% sure how to run the cycle with the 3 compounds. So ill sketch one out and if you could just give me a little insight as to how to correct it.

    1-4 Test Prop 50MG EOD
    1-10 EQ 400 MG/W
    1-13 Test E 500 Mg/W
    10-13 Test Prop 50MG EOD

    thanks again
    try running it like this

    1-4 prop 75mg ed
    1-12 eq 400mg
    1-13 enan 500mg
    15 begin pct

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    a state of denial
    Quote Originally Posted by DARKSEID
    try running it like this

    1-4 prop 75mg ed
    1-12 eq 400mg
    1-13 enan 500mg
    15 begin pct

    ..and you could add the prop back in from 13-15. PCT should be a relative breeze with that cycle, so the prop may not be needed as much as in a cycle that contained a 19-nor.

    I like it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    i dont think you need prop at all...unless you like the extra shots...i'd go with this..
    as your a pitcher and so am i..i've had some great experiences as well.. were th esame age too...
    1-14 test e 500mgs ew
    1-12 eq 400mgs ew
    if you want to frontload test then i understand putting prop in...but usually i shoot prop twice a week just because its faster acting and i do it throughout the cycle... but why are you running eq? vascularity ? hunger? i dont see much from it..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Definitely extend the EQ to at least 12 weeks, I've never used it....but all the bros here will agree...
    Also, with EQ, you had better be willing to fork out some $ for food ...your appetite will be thru the roof...

    Congrats on the last cycle btw...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by MikeMC
    1-4 Test Prop 50MG EOD
    1-10 EQ 400 MG/W
    1-13 Test E 500 Mg/W
    10-13 Test Prop 50MG EOD

    I would trade the EQ for Deca seeing as you are a pitcher. But if not I would change just a few things:

    1-4 Prop- 50mg ED
    1-12 EQ- 200mg E3D
    1-13 Test E- 250mg E3D
    13-15 Prop- 50mg ED

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Steroids101
    I would trade the EQ for Deca seeing as you are a pitcher. But if not I would change just a few things:

    1-4 Prop- 50mg ED
    1-12 EQ- 200mg E3D
    1-13 Test E- 250mg E3D
    13-15 Prop- 50mg ED
    Shoot the test e and EQ E3.5D-E4D(yes there is a difference) start PCT 14 days after last test e inject, I personally dont think prop is needed at the end of the cycle but to each his own... If you do decide to run the prop at the end start PCT 3 days after last prop inject...

  9. #9
    i want to run the EQ becuase ive heard that the gains are relativly easy to keep, and are gradually put on.

    I dont think i want to run deca, because of the long time it takes to get out of my system. There is a pretty good chance ill get drafted again next sping, and im not looking to fail a drug test 14 months after i did a cycle of something..

    the input looks great, im going to keep reading up on stuff, and assess my $$ situations, and put together something..

    thanks again

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