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Thread: Any suggestions?

  1. #1

    Talking Any suggestions?

    What would happen if during my first week of taking QV prop and QV EQ I was taking 1.5cc of the prop EOD and .5 of the EQ EOD then starting the next week I started taking the prop .75 ED and kept the EQ to three times a week at 1.5 cc's? What will this sudden variation do to my blood levels. The thought of sticking myself ED doesn't cause me any concern, actually just the opposite. I like being a human pin cushion! Just paint me green already!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Eagergearhead
    What would happen if during my first week of taking QV prop and QV EQ I was taking 1.5cc of the prop EOD and .5 of the EQ EOD then starting the next week I started taking the prop .75 ED and kept the EQ to three times a week at 1.5 cc's? What will this sudden variation do to my blood levels. The thought of sticking myself ED doesn't cause me any concern, actually just the opposite. I like being a human pin cushion! Just paint me green already!
    You'd be fine bro..your levels from test would smooth right out and EQ is a long ester,so no harm done there.

  3. #3

    Best site injections for prop?

    Also, do you have any good ideas on where or how I should rotate my injections every day. THe first shot of prop went in my quad and OUCH! don't want that pain again. I loved the shot though, easy as hell. If I did it there once every week will the shots get easier to recover from. Maybe I should just grab a straw? Oh, all I have is a 1' dart so my glute shots arent't as good as they could be. Should I neglect them or just shoot them and hope all is well.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

  5. #5

    Thanks Da Bull

    Appreciate your quick response brother. Cool site too by the way. Now I can put the ****er everywhere! Thanks again bro.

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