Hey guys first of all i would like to say what a great site this is and that it has already helped me on my way to my first anabolic cycle. I've got the gear and now would like a little advice on what my first cycle should look like. I have 30 cc's of Winny Depot, 15 cc's of Primo depot and 100 Anavar. Here's what i came up with.
Week 1: 100mg's of PD
100 mg's WD
Week 2-4: 200 mg's PD
200 mg's WD
Week 5: 300 mg's PD
200 mg's WD
Week 6-7: 200 mg's PD
200 mg's WD
Week 8: 100 mg's PD
200 mg's WD
Week 9-13: 20 mg's Anavar
I'm only 20 and have been lifting for 9 months. In case you are wondering why im taking a cycle so early in my lifting career well im gonna be honest, my fathers a doctor and got me the gear and will be doing blood work and injecting the shots for me so i feel pretty safe. Right now i weigh 160 at 5'8 and 5 % BF and i'm looking to gain around 15-20 lbs. Also do i need clomid, we are still unsure of this.