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  1. #1
    crazed98 is offline Associate Member
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    Jun 2004

    Help!! Questions!!

    Ok, whats up?I am new here, and wanted to lay out some stuff and any replies would be most helpfull. Over the past year I did 1 cycle of sustenon 250, nothing happened, then tried tustenon but it hurt too much so i stopped after 4 weeks. Then I tried cypanate stacked with deca and that cycle I only increase in strength, no size. I finally gave up got a trainer who is heavy into juicing, good friend of mine, and went to a hormone doctor to see what the deal was. My test levels were better than average for a man of my stature 5'7, at the time 165lbs. So after I checked out great, I did enthanate 250, with 10 mg of anavar , did that for 5 weeks then added deca 200. Did a whole cycle, and shredded, I weigh in now at 174lbs, but I still want like an inch more on my arms, and a bigger chest, I am way too strong now need size, what do i do? What should I take cause obviously with a trainer, and eating properly which I was, the products I am taking are not helping that much maybe enthanate and HGH?

  2. #2
    KAEW44's Avatar
    KAEW44 is offline Senior Member
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    I dont know if anyone will support me on this, but i dont think its a good idea to try a steroid for a few week and then stop if its not working for you or because it hurts. You have to complete your cycles and do the corect PCT.

  3. #3
    Da Bull's Avatar
    Da Bull is offline Banned
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    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by crazed98
    Ok, whats up?I am new here, and wanted to lay out some stuff and any replies would be most helpfull. Over the past year I did 1 cycle of sustenon 250, nothing happened, then tried tustenon but it hurt too much so i stopped after 4 weeks. Then I tried cypanate stacked with deca and that cycle I only increase in strength, no size. I finally gave up got a trainer who is heavy into juicing, good friend of mine, and went to a hormone doctor to see what the deal was. My test levels were better than average for a man of my stature 5'7, at the time 165lbs. So after I checked out great, I did enthanate 250, with 10 mg of anavar, did that for 5 weeks then added deca 200. Did a whole cycle, and shredded, I weigh in now at 174lbs, but I still want like an inch more on my arms, and a bigger chest, I am way too strong now need size, what do i do? What should I take cause obviously with a trainer, and eating properly which I was, the products I am taking are not helping that much maybe enthanate and HGH?
    Your not running your cycles long enough need to let the long esters kick in and work.Test should be ran a min of 10 weeks.

  4. #4
    crazed98 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Thats fine, the only cycle that i started and didnt finish was the Tustanon. All the others were a minimum of 10-12 weeks, ate properly, and worked out hard, so please other than just looking at the tuestanon anything, what should i take?

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