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Thread: can't get rid of it!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Exclamation can't get rid of it!

    hey guys. i'm new to the site, but i'm not new to the gym or sports. i have played sports all my life and yet the same problem has pursisted for many years now. i have a "little" bit of fat on my stomach and on my sides. u can see the six-pack, but there's just that little fat that iv'e always had and never been able to get rid of. even in the past 3 years, when i have went up in weight from being 180 to 220 and from being 5%bf to over 10%, it's not a lot but nothing i do seems to get rid of it. i know u guys r gonna tell me to do cardio and to eat right, and believe me when i tell u that i do both. i'm starting to think that it's genetics cause both of my parents are pretty much the same. now, i never wanted to get into steroids or use any gear, but i think i'm at the point in my life where i really want to. i'm 23, so i don't think i have to worry too much about sides, although it's always in the back of my mind, but i was wondering if u guys could suggest something from experience that will help me. i've heard of clen, but many have said that it worx, while others said no. also t3, which i heard is really good, but i have been told stories which scare the **** out of me, especially the one about this kid who *&%$@#-up his thyroid hormone and put on over 100lb. of fat. i appreciate any suggestions u guys may have and thanx in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Dont do the thyroid hormone T3 because you dont need it, you and me and many people suffer that problem fo the 'last bit of ab-fat ' that doesnt want to go away!! Many people will say 'correct diet and exercise' wich is easier said than done because i have train real hard and i cant make my diet perfect but i'm doing my best.
    What you want to do bro is first off-dont starve yourself!! that could make the ab-region worse! starving doesnt make you loose fat there!! eat good and eat health and eat when your hungry!
    Do interval cardio!-interval intense cardio tears through fat like Mike Tyson Tears through clothes!
    Use a thermogenic product! Ripped fuel/lipo-6/Hydroxycuts.

    it works!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    thanx for your reply. that was very helpful, because i have tried starvation and stuff like that and it doesn't budge. i've tried to keep my diet to the max and still nothing. as far as ephedra products that u talked about, i have tried a few and actually i'm on lipo-6 now, this is my 2nd week on this product and like all the other ephedra products, it worx the 1st week and then i don't feel anything the 2nd. i probably lost 7lb. just last week on this stuff and tonight i took it before going to the gym and i was so tired, even after taking it, that i decided to stay home. i guess the diet and exercise can always be improved, but could it be that i just won't be able to lose this? just to be clear, why don't u recommend t3 or clen?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    thanx for your reply. that was very helpful, because i have tried starvation and stuff like that and it doesn't budge. i've tried to keep my diet to the max and still nothing. as far as ephedra products that u talked about, i have tried a few and actually i'm on lipo-6 now, this is my 2nd week on this product and like all the other ephedra products, it worx the 1st week and then i don't feel anything the 2nd. i probably lost 7lb. just last week on this stuff and tonight i took it before going to the gym and i was so tired, even after taking it, that i decided to stay home. my body gets used to it very quickly. maybe it's because i had never taken any sort of supplements. i guess the diet and exercise can always be improved, but could it be that i just won't be able to lose this? just to be clear, why don't u recommend t3 or clen?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I used Lipo-6 with ephedra and i didnt like the sides of the ephedra, it almost killed me man! so i used the Lipo-6 without the ephedra, the liqui-caps are strong and they deliver results, i finally saw the 6-pack when i was on that stuff!! just work out abs every day and do interval cardio 3times a week if you can! I had great results!
    Th eonly problem with Lipo-6 is that once you are done using it and you stop you will fel very lazy and crashed for about a week because it will take time for your body to restore its levels that were heightened by the lipo-6.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    The problem I see is that your diet probably sucks. And if you were at any time close to 5% BF you would not have "stubborn" fat on your sides. The reason I say you diet probably sucks is because you mention doing a starvation diet to lose the fat? Starving yourself makes you hold onto fat!

    Goto the DIET section of this site and read the "HOW TO CUT" thread a few times. That diet combined with 40 minutes of AM cardio every other day will burn off whatever fat you have left.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Oh yeah, stay away from the clen/T3 etc. The farthest I would go is ephedra. And rather the interval cardio, do a steady moderate pace for a longer time ie. 40+ min.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    thanx IronAdam for the suggestions. what i meant when i talked about starvation diet is that i have tried everything in the book. i do mma 3 times a week on an empty stomach. on top of that i do cardio at night for at least 30min. i stay away from salt and fat. u'd think that i shouldn't have this problem, but i still do, that's why i was wondering if it could be genetics. don't get me wrong, i'm not planning on giving up but it's very annoying. why did u mention staying away from clen and t3? they wouldn't help me? i'm 6' and my weight fluctuates between 210 and 220. thanx.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Some pics would help a lot. It could very well be that you hold more fat on your fact I think males in general usually have stubborn fat on their sides..."love handles". I thought I knew how to diet down as well before I found this site. The diet section taught me so much. Everyone in there will help you out. If you research enough and post your proposed diet they will critique it and tell you what to change....hell post it here and I'll tell you if its good or not. Everyone's hear to learn man...see if you can find anything interesting about cutting.

    I wouldn't suggest using clen or T3 because you can cut body fat without them and avoid the potential complications from using them. Lets see your diet and we'll go from there.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    soo2bhuge...come visit the fighting forum were trying to get more people to discuss there! and check out the diet section like ironadam said.

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