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Thread: Quick Legit Test - Please respond.

  1. #1
    G-S Guest

    Quick Legit Test - Please respond.

    Waiting on some polaroid film, but when I take the pics, I'll post them.

    Anywho, got a coupla new bottles today, and need some expert advice on legitimicy.


    Silver top, white label w/ rounded corners. In RED, it says Sustanon 300mg at top. Then, in black, it lists what's in the sust..then at the bottom of the white label, in red again, it says 10ml. It appears clear w/ a yellowish tint.

    Deca -

    Gold top, white label w/ rounded corners. In BLUE, it says Deca-Durabolin 300. Then, in black, it says Each ml of solution contains: nandrolone decanoate..........300mg. Then, in blue again, it says 10ml. It also appears clear w/ a yellowish tint.

  2. #2
    G-S Guest

    Thumbs down

    Wow. 8 views, and no responses. Anyways, this damn polaroid wont take a clear pic, so I have resorted to the freezer test, for now...

    ...waiting on the results.

    No one has recieved these 2 in these type bottles with the same labeling? I find it hard to believe, since it came from a ** remailer.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    flying overhead in my fina-jet...
    300mg. sust?
    Did you order these from a remailer? Do the labels state any manufacturers name?

  4. #4
    G-S Guest
    Yes, remailer. 300mg sus. And the only thing on the labels are what I typed in the first post.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    flying overhead in my fina-jet...
    Depending on the remailer/rebottler, the labels and vials could vary greatly, as most (all) are buying 525ml. jugs and using their own sh** to rebottle it... best bet is to contact a mod or vet. Let them know who you're getting from and then you'll know whether they're legit or not...

  6. #6
    G-S Guest
    Well, I pulled the shit outta the freezer, and it looks NO different than before it went in. Shit still looks like vegi oil..

    Bump for some help.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Tampa Bay
    How many mg's of prop does it read it has?

  8. #8
    G-S Guest
    On the sust, it reads as follows:

    testosterone propionate............80mg
    testosterone phenylpropionate..60mg
    testonsterone isocaporate.........60mg
    testonsterone decanoate..........100mg

  9. #9
    G-S Guest

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Sustanon in 300mg?....hmmm...i don't know...since it is rebottled the label could just be wrong...but a mod and get some help there, you'll get some more concise/certain info from them.
    sorry for the lack of help lol.

    good luck!!!

  11. #11
    G-S Guest
    Originally posted by Julu
    Sustanon in 300mg?..
    Yes. ** makes it in 300mg.

  12. #12
    G-S Guest

  13. #13
    G-S Guest
    bump for the nighttime crew.

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