Originally Posted by
winnie can be ran fine for a 4 or 5 week period, anything less than 4 is cutting it short, anything more than 6 is overkill on your liver(pending on how high your doseage is).
i would drop the susta completely, half a susta amp every other day is a horrible idea. its good that hes getting the idea of keeping blood levels constant, but your body's getting a very WEAK mix of test(barely any prop).
when your running dianabol, dont run it longer than 4 weeks. also, people might not see too much off at the 20/25 mg doseage. run it for 4 weeks at 30/35 mg's. most of Dbols gains come in the first couple weeks so, if you arnt too happy with the 30 mg doseage, bump it to 35 the last couple.
its obvious that, this is probably your first cycle. if its not your first cycle, i would take some time off and let your body cool off naturally before you jump into a decently thought of educated cycle.
drop everything you have and run a cycle with no test mixes such as susta or supertest250. the test mixes you hear or see about today(or even own without researching what you bought) were made for more experienced users, who down the line have the ability to inject an amp ATLEAST eod. they're receptors have upregulated to the point where, theyre used to taking atleast 750+ mg's of test every week.
you need a cycle like this, plain and simple;
Test cypionate/enanthate,weeks 1-12, 400/500 mg every week.
Dianabol, weeks 1-4, 30/35 mg ED
nolva throughout
clomid for pct.
i'll say it once and ill say it again, from experience, first cycles are not meant to have more than 1 or 2 different compounds.