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Thread: My new stack

  1. #1

    My new stack

    My new stack is

    week 1: Diana 20mg/day + Bolden 400mg + Susta 500mg
    week 2: Diana 25mg/day + Bolden 400mg + Susta 500mg
    week 3: Diana 25mg/day + Bolden 400mg + Susta 500mg
    week 4: Diana 25mg/day + Bolden 400mg + Susta 500mg
    week 5: Diana 25mg/day + Bolden 400mg + Susta 500mg
    week 6: Diana 25mg/day + Susta 500mg

    Has anyone tried this stack? What are your findings? what can i expect?
    Last edited by Muscle Mass; 07-02-2004 at 09:11 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    dbol: no need to taper (and 4 wks is enough!)
    bolden: at least 10-12 wks, if u meant eq
    susta: same as for eq (6 wks too short!)
    if u want to run a short cycle, u need short ester drugs...
    but... what are your stats, cycle experience and goals?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Buckeye state
    i would run it something like this
    1-4 dbol 25-40mg/ED
    1-14 1/2 sus 250mg 2X week
    1-14 EQ 400mg/week
    nolva 10mg ED and l-dex .25mg ED whole cycle. also didnt see any pct written down so do pct 3 week after last EQ shot. u will also need to do one more shot of sus than eq in the final week so the pct times line up correctly
    then run clomid 300/100/50

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    the cycle in general isnt long enough

    id do as rballs said bro

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by fabry
    dbol: no need to taper (and 4 wks is enough!)
    bolden: at least 10-12 wks, if u meant eq
    susta: same as for eq (6 wks too short!)
    if u want to run a short cycle, u need short ester drugs...
    but... what are your stats, cycle experience and goals?
    To see my cycle experience and goals check out my profile at forum: new male member. I am not tapering the methandienone, i just have 200 tablets for 5 tablets a day. so i have the choice of using 4 tablets for 10 days and later 5 or i can quit 2 days.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by w_rballs
    i would run it something like this
    1-4 dbol 25-40mg/ED
    1-14 1/2 sus 250mg 2X week
    1-14 EQ 400mg/week
    nolva 10mg ED and l-dex .25mg ED whole cycle. also didnt see any pct written down so do pct 3 week after last EQ shot. u will also need to do one more shot of sus than eq in the final week so the pct times line up correctly
    then run clomid 300/100/50
    You are only using de methandienone for 4 weeks. I am using it together with the other two steroids. U say that 4 weeks is maximum for dianabol. But every review or books says another thing. Some say that 10 tablets of dianabol 5 is max. Others say that 30mg/day is max. Some say that 8 weeks for dianabol is max. I think everyone has to experiment and find his or her own best dosage. You are using sustanon for 14 weeks??? I thought 12 weeks was max.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    id go with:
    1-4(or 4.5) dbol 30mg ed (till u finish them, dont care if u finish after 33 days or 27). i tried 25 and 30mg... and 30 is better coz u can split (10-10-10).
    1-10 test (better enanthate if u want to shoot only 2 x wk) but if u already have sust, just go with it!
    anyway 6wks of that kind of injectable is too short!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Muscle Mass
    You are only using de methandienone for 4 weeks. I am using it together with the other two steroids. U say that 4 weeks is maximum for dianabol. But every review or books says another thing. Some say that 10 tablets of dianabol 5 is max. Others say that 30mg/day is max. Some say that 8 weeks for dianabol is max. I think everyone has to experiment and find his or her own best dosage. You are using sustanon for 14 weeks??? I thought 12 weeks was max.
    here there are a lot of people that know what they say! (and im not talkin about me).
    u can use dbols for 10wks if u want, but 4-5 is recommended to be safe with ur liver.
    and u use it to kickstart cycle, especially with long ester test (the prop in sust, especially if used 2 x wk isnt enough to kickstart a cycle).
    if u do some search in this forum, ull find same answers and people that are going to read your post are going to answer in the same way: cycle is too short, dbol only for 4-5 wks)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Buckeye state
    Quote Originally Posted by Muscle Mass
    You are only using de methandienone for 4 weeks. I am using it together with the other two steroids. U say that 4 weeks is maximum for dianabol. But every review or books says another thing. Some say that 10 tablets of dianabol 5 is max. Others say that 30mg/day is max. Some say that 8 weeks for dianabol is max. I think everyone has to experiment and find his or her own best dosage. You are using sustanon for 14 weeks??? I thought 12 weeks was max.

    well u have to run the test longer than the eq. and since eq should be run for a minimum of 12 weeks, so 14 weeks is a better time to run the EQ and the test.

  10. #10
    I have changed my strategy.
    Now i will do this:

    week 1-6: Dianabol first week 20mg next 5 weeks 25 mg
    week 1-10: 400mg Boldenone
    week 1-10: 500mg Sustanone
    week 11-12: Winstrol Depot
    and finally Clomid

    better? what gains can i expect?
    Last edited by Muscle Mass; 07-06-2004 at 12:42 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    HEELS 2005!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Muscle Mass
    I have changed my strategy.
    Now i will do this:

    week 1-6: Dianabol first week 20mg next 5 weeks 25 mg
    week 1-10: 400mg Boldenone
    week 1-10: 500mg Sustanone
    week 11-12: Winstrol Depot
    and finally Clomid

    um not really, winnie for only one week? it needs to be ran for atleast 6weeks. run the sust one more week. oh wait you have 2 orals in one cycle..thats a no no. drop the winnie! run the dbol 4-5weeks. 30-40mg ed.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    on the dip rack.
    Quote Originally Posted by hung-solo
    um not really, winnie for only one week? it needs to be ran for atleast 6weeks. run the sust one more week. oh wait you have 2 orals in one cycle..thats a no no. drop the winnie! run the dbol 4-5weeks. 30-40mg ed.
    winnie can be ran fine for a 4 or 5 week period, anything less than 4 is cutting it short, anything more than 6 is overkill on your liver(pending on how high your doseage is).

    i would drop the susta completely, half a susta amp every other day is a horrible idea. its good that hes getting the idea of keeping blood levels constant, but your body's getting a very WEAK mix of test(barely any prop).

    when your running dianabol, dont run it longer than 4 weeks. also, people might not see too much off at the 20/25 mg doseage. run it for 4 weeks at 30/35 mg's. most of Dbols gains come in the first couple weeks so, if you arnt too happy with the 30 mg doseage, bump it to 35 the last couple.

    its obvious that, this is probably your first cycle. if its not your first cycle, i would take some time off and let your body cool off naturally before you jump into a decently thought of educated cycle.

    drop everything you have and run a cycle with no test mixes such as susta or supertest250. the test mixes you hear or see about today(or even own without researching what you bought) were made for more experienced users, who down the line have the ability to inject an amp ATLEAST eod. they're receptors have upregulated to the point where, theyre used to taking atleast 750+ mg's of test every week.

    you need a cycle like this, plain and simple;

    Test cypionate/enanthate,weeks 1-12, 400/500 mg every week.
    Dianabol, weeks 1-4, 30/35 mg ED
    nolva throughout

    clomid for pct.

    i'll say it once and ill say it again, from experience, first cycles are not meant to have more than 1 or 2 different compounds.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Muscle Mass
    I have changed my strategy.
    Now i will do this:

    week 1-6: Dianabol first week 20mg next 5 weeks 25 mg
    week 1-10: 400mg Boldenone
    week 1-10: 500mg Sustanone
    week 11-12: Winstrol Depot
    and finally Clomid

    better? what gains can i expect?
    u changed strategy but u continue to behave like u dont want to listen.
    dont use 20 and then 25, just go with 30 ED!!!
    seems like this is your first cycle... dont remember!
    if so, just go with test or test and dbols
    what about anti e's, u know something about them?
    anc pct, how are u going to make it?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by itsallmental
    winnie can be ran fine for a 4 or 5 week period, anything less than 4 is cutting it short, anything more than 6 is overkill on your liver(pending on how high your doseage is).

    i would drop the susta completely, half a susta amp every other day is a horrible idea. its good that hes getting the idea of keeping blood levels constant, but your body's getting a very WEAK mix of test(barely any prop).

    when your running dianabol, dont run it longer than 4 weeks. also, people might not see too much off at the 20/25 mg doseage. run it for 4 weeks at 30/35 mg's. most of Dbols gains come in the first couple weeks so, if you arnt too happy with the 30 mg doseage, bump it to 35 the last couple.

    its obvious that, this is probably your first cycle. if its not your first cycle, i would take some time off and let your body cool off naturally before you jump into a decently thought of educated cycle.

    drop everything you have and run a cycle with no test mixes such as susta or supertest250. the test mixes you hear or see about today(or even own without researching what you bought) were made for more experienced users, who down the line have the ability to inject an amp ATLEAST eod. they're receptors have upregulated to the point where, theyre used to taking atleast 750+ mg's of test every week.

    you need a cycle like this, plain and simple;

    Test cypionate/enanthate,weeks 1-12, 400/500 mg every week.
    Dianabol, weeks 1-4, 30/35 mg ED
    nolva throughout

    clomid for pct.

    i'll say it once and ill say it again, from experience, first cycles are not meant to have more than 1 or 2 different compounds.
    AGREED! First of all, you need to slow down and do some proper research. running a 6 week cycle especially with EQ makes NO SENSE! 1 week of Winstrol? NO. Do not taper any of your doses. I take it that this is your first cycle. I wouldn't be running Sust. Stick with what everyone is telling you. TEST ENAN/or Cyp is the way to go.

    Research bro

  15. #15
    Several members here are mislead by my alterations in my new stack.
    First of all, Winstrol Depot means: Injectable Winstrol. It is used in my last 2(!!!) weeks. 11-12. I should have written 11+12. The reason for the Winstrol is to get a harder look instead of the puffy look created by Dianabol and Sustanon.
    About the anti-estrogens. As far as I can recall, these agents are mostly used when you feel a pain in your chest. So you can prevent gyno.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Muscle Mass
    Several members here are mislead by my alterations in my new stack.
    First of all, Winstrol Depot means: Injectable Winstrol. It is used in my last 2(!!!) weeks. 11-12. I should have written 11+12. The reason for the Winstrol is to get a harder look instead of the puffy look created by Dianabol and Sustanon.
    About the anti-estrogens. As far as I can recall, these agents are mostly used when you feel a pain in your chest. So you can prevent gyno.
    We all know what winny is...and if you feel these so called "pains" it is to late you have gyno...we use them as preventatives...

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Buckeye state
    2 weeks of winny wont do anything. it doesnt kick in until then and u are gonna stop right when it kicks in? makes no sense. and i would rather take the extra precaution and use the l-dex and nolva from the start just to be safe. i dont know about u but i owuldnt want to take till signs of gyno show to start taking stuff for it

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