The cycle is on..this will be my last long cycle,so I'll be savouring every moment.![]()
Age 44
height 5' 9"
weight 231#
bf 12%
Goals...Bulk first half/cut second half
WK 1-4 LR3 IGf-1 40 mcgs ED/PWO
WK 1-4 Halo 30 mgs ED
WK 1-16 Test E 1000 mgs wkly
WK 1-14 Deca 500 mgs wkly
WK 1-29 EQ 600 mgs wkly
WK 17-32 Prop 175 mgs ED
WK 20-30 Fina 100 mgs ED
(possible halo introduction @wk 29)
HCG 500 ius 2x wkly
Prov @ 50 mgs ED til wk 29,then l-dex throughout
Nolv @ 10 mgs ED
Pheedno's extended pct(8 wks)
1 cc B-12 ed
4 grams Tribulus ed
B-6@ 200 mgs ED
Glutamine 20 grams ed
Flax seed oil/fish oil
Tadalifil citrate
1000mgs milk thistle ed
Tylers Liver Detox
Several other vitamins
Have T-3 and clen on hand in case I need to run them