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Thread: 2 weeks in - food poisoning

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    2 weeks in - food poisoning

    Okay so I'm 2 weeks in (4 shots of test E so far 2x a week at 250mg per jab) and I've been taking 30 mg of Dbol split up throughout the day.

    The problem is that I got hit out of the blue with what must be food poisoning. I feel like I'm going to die and I'm spewing in every direction. It's been difficult to keep water down even.

    I know I should continue on with the shots but should I keep taking the dbol even though I'm not working out and I'm sick as hell? The tabs are probably flying out of me as fast as I can get them in my mouth.

    Also when I start back in the gym next week should I even continue on the dbol or just drop it completely and wait for the test to come on strong?

    Thanks for the help. I'm gonna go die now.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Sorry to hear that. first make sure you have legit gear. If its food poison chances are it should pass. The d-bol could be crushed drink with water but if you are throwing it back ,may be a waste. The injects pose no real problem. But if it persist see a medical proffessional. Not hitting the gym for 1 wk is not going to be too bad ,but at only 2 wks in its best to have it. The test has not evan kicked in yet so make sure you workout asap. In the end you should be okay but maybe a little less results. As for dropping the D-bol I see no issue with that. Test alone is a good beginner cycle

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Thanks blue. I may just drop the Dbol and save it for next time.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Thats the worst man, I had the same thing happen once as well, i lost 5 pound after all was said and done, the best thing to do it just rest and take it easy, dont stress over any weight you lose b/c you going to lose weight no matter what, just rest and try to get better as soon as possible, you can either discontinue the Dbol or just start it back up once you start to feel better, good luck.

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