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Thread: mass

  1. #1

    Exclamation mass

    I've read all of the educational stuff, so here goes. I've done quite a few cycles, about 7. I have just com accross this site and would like to see what you guys think of my next proposed cycle, i have been on a few forums and they just seem to come up with the same answers, just want to see if you guys have anything new to add.

    1-8 testiviron 1000mg week
    1-6 tren 75mg eod
    1-8 deca 400mg week
    1-4 a50 200mg day
    4-8 50mg dbol day
    9-11 100mg prop eod
    9-11 1 vial winey a day

    My last cycle was a test only stack 1500mg sus a week, my current stats are
    17 stone, 6 foot 2 10% BF and bench 140kg 3x6, shoulder press 3x6 50kg d/b squat 140k/g 3x6.
    I am looking to get to 18 any other ideas would be appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Buckeye state
    first i wouldnt run tren and deca together. second the tren should be shot ED at at leat 75mg/ED. also no need for a-bombs then dbol. too much 17aa's.and the prop at the end i would run that ED at 100mg/ED. also i dont see any pct or AI and nolva in the cycle?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    The Lab
    Three 17aa's for eleven weeks?

    Deca and tren at the same time?

    No anti-e's and no PCT?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Buckeye state
    i would run something like this
    1-4 dbol 40mg ED
    1-10 testirivion 1000mg/week
    1-8 tren 75-100mg/ED
    7-12 winny 50mg/ED
    8-12 test prop 75/mg ED

    nolva 10mg ED and l-dex .25 mg ED whole cycle.
    start PCT 3 days after last shot of prop

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    Yea thats a liver killer man plus you are gonna be shut down really hard

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by w_rballs
    first i wouldnt run tren and deca together. second the tren should be shot ED at at leat 75mg/ED. also no need for a-bombs then dbol. too much 17aa's.and the prop at the end i would run that ED at 100mg/ED. also i dont see any pct or AI and nolva in the cycle?

    couldnt have said it any better than that.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    To add to what was already said, testoviron should be run 10 weeks.

    What does a stone weigh in kilograms or pounds?


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    The Lab
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyB
    What does a stone weigh in kilograms or pounds?
    1 stone = 14 pounds

    17 stone = 238 pounds

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by SV-1
    1 stone = 14 pounds

    17 stone = 238 pounds
    **** it, beat me to it...

  10. #10
    I haven't used nolva in a cycle since my first one i always have it at hand just incase, but i like to have that bit of extra water during the cycle to help my joints as the weights increase. As for PCT i never right that down as its pretty standard stuff, 3 weeks on clomid after after a given break at the end of the cycle in this case 3 days after the last prop injection? I have heard a lot of people saying not to use deca and tren as it hard to acome back from, thats why i ran it at the start so that i have another 6 weeks on test after the last shot, i though this might help top combat the associated problems of tren.
    I like the idea of running tren Ed i just thought it might be to much
    And is'nt the dbol to low at 40mg a day

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Buckeye state
    deca and tren work through increasing progesterone. u dont want 2 of those togeher. too hard to come back from and u need to throw some b-6 in there to combat progesterone gyno. nolva doesnt help that out. trust me

  12. #12
    i have been on a similar course before, i have never suffered from gyno, but what is this b-6 stuff, on the other forums they go on about nolva, which i thought was an anti-e which would combat gyno,

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    The Lab
    Quote Originally Posted by valleyboy
    i have been on a similar course before, i have never suffered from gyno, but what is this b-6 stuff, on the other forums they go on about nolva, which i thought was an anti-e which would combat gyno,
    It's vitamin B-6 and it's used to combat prolactin based gyno from tren and deca (one reason not to run them together). Nolva is used for estrogen based gyno and will do nothing against prolactin.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    The Lab
    Originally posted on AR by Pheedno.

    The following are excerpted from OB/GYN class notes:
    Suppression of Lactation:

    When the mother chooses not to breast feed or the baby is lost, suppression of lactation may be required. Initially the breasts get engorged, however in the absence of suckling further milk production stops on its own. Firm support to the breasts is helpful in reducing the discomfort. Manual expression is not very helpful as it promotes further milk secretion. Estrogens in high doses can suppress lactation, however there are side effects and the risk of venous thrombosis, hence these are not recommended. Bromocryptine, a dopamine agonist, given 2.5 mg twice a day for 14 days can suppress lactation by producing a fall in prolactin levels. This therapy is expensive, has side effects and there may be rebound lactation once the drug is stopped. FDA no longer approves it. Pyridoxine – Vitamin B6, given 200 mg three times a day for 5-7 days is quite effective in suppressing lactation and the drug has no side effects.
    Got Wood? note : adding Bromo to your cycle only adds to the potential anabolic cascade, and potentially negative drug interactions. In medicine B6 is supposed to be as effective as Bromo. Plus vitamin B6 has few side effects.
    Here are a few of many studies supporting the use of Vitamin B6 in reducing prolactin:
    J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1976 Mar;42(3):603-6

    Effect of pyridoxine on human hypophyseal trophic hormone release: a possible stimulation of hypothalamic dopaminergic pathway.

    Delitala G, Masala A, Alagna S, Devilla L.

    A single dose of pyridoxine (300 mg iv) produced significant rises in peak levels of immunoreactive growth hormone GH and significant decrease of plasma prolactin PRL in 8 hospitalized healthy subjects. Serum glucose, luteinizing hormone LH, follicle stimulating hormone FSH and thyrotropin TSH were not altered significantly. In addition, in 5 acromegalic patients who were studied with both L-dopa and pyridoxine, inhibition of GH secretion followed either agent in a similar pattern. These data suggest a hypothalamic dopaminergic effect of pyridoxine.

    N Engl J Med 1982 Aug 12;307(7):444-5

    Pyridoxine (B6) suppresses the rise in prolactin and increases the rise in growth hormone induced by exercise.

    Moretti C, Fabbri A, Gnessi L, Bonifacio V, Fraioli F, Isidori A.

    Boll Soc Ital Biol Sper 1984 Feb 28;60(2):273-8

    [Influence of administration of pyridoxine on circadian rhythm of plasma ACTH, cortisol prolactin and somatotropin in normal subjects]

    [Article in Italian]

    Barletta C, Sellini M, Bartoli A, Bigi C, Buzzetti R, Giovannini C.

    The influence of vitamin B6 in a dosage of 300 mg X 2 in 24 hrs, on circadian rhythm of plasmatic ACTH, cortisol, prolactin and somatotropin have been studied in 10 normal women. After vitamin B6 24 hrs pattern of ACTH and cortisol is unchanged; prolactin levels are slightly lower, in a statistically unsignificant proportion the night peak of growth hormone is higher in a statistically significant proportion (p. 0.05). The effect of vitamin B6 is likely to me mediated by dopaminergic receptors at hypothalamic level as previous studies by other Authors appear to prove.

  15. #15
    B-6 it is then, awesome chears for that, i have read quite a bit on deca and tren and have never seen it mentioned for that reason. So it seems that although i am a big fan of Deca, it was in my first cycle and i haven't used it for a while, (plus i have some my mate gave me for free) i may have to leave it out, what about upping the the test and just running test, tren and Dbol

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