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Thread: Steroid Masking Agents

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Steroid Masking Agents

    Dont get excited bros this aint a thread about a secret undercover organisation of secret steroid agents dressed in masks who pass out steroids but a plain old boring question. I was wondering if anyone was aware of or knew of masking agents to take to try and conceal steroid use as theres a good chance i will get a urine test within the next month or so which tests for steroids. Cheers guys

  2. #2
    Wondering what the test is for? If its a random piss test for a job or probation you should be all set. Steriods tests are done with blood tests and are fairly expensive and very rairly done.

    The case is different if you are turning pro or have been in trouble for steriods before in the eyes of the court. Ie if you are taking drug tests because you have been caught with them before and your probation calls for you to get tested you are most likely getting tested from AS, and in that cause you shouldn;t risk the chance of getting caught. My advice to you there would be to stay away from AS until you are fully off probation.

    Again.... Steriod testing is done very little and unless you have a reason to be tested for steriods i wouldn't worry. A simple urine test is looking for POT, COKE, HERION ect...

    If that dosn't answer your question's or it is not what you were looking for, your answer is nothing. As far as i know, when a steriod is enters your bloodstream it is there and there for a certain period of time. Drinking lots of water will progress the steriod from leaving a bit faster but not enough to make a difference. My suggestion would be to do your research on different AS that have short half lives.

    Example.... Test Prop woul be good because it leaves the body very fast ( due to its half life )
    Deca would be your last choice. In some cases people have been known to test Positive for Deca a year later. Alot of pro athletes lives have been ruined because of there lack of information and understanding of deca and how long it stays in ones body.

    Hope this helps bro
    Last edited by Jjdigs74; 07-03-2004 at 10:37 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    cheers bro- its for sports so the urine test is steroid specific. i was going to go for prop but ethanate works out better for me- it is only in the system for 3 months but thats 3 months too long for me. Ill do some mre reading up on it and post anything i find on masking agents

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