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Thread: next cycle help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    sunshine state

    next cycle help

    I'm getting my next cycle together and need to know what to add i have t200 and eq now looking to bulk up big time i'm on sust and fina now i can get alot now so i'm going to get now because don't know if i can later

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    On that stuff right now. TT EQ, Brovel T200, got some ** winny and clen as well.

    Test and EQ can bulk or cut you just as well.

    I bulked on test eq and had TREMENDOUS size and strength gains. I'm looking more for size gains , rather than strength. If Bodybuilding is just a hobby for you, if you're 230 @6%, does it really matter if you bench 225 or 405? Maybe to you , but not me. so In conslusion, test and eq will be PERFECT!

    How's that current cyc going?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    sunshine state
    just started my fina on monday 75mgs and just had another 75mg today.Sust is just starting to kick in seeing nice things starting to happen looking good and felling even better

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