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Thread: Math Help!?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    New England

    Question Math Help!?

    will someone go over the basics for me since i am very new at all the terms and amounts?
    what is a cart and how much does it contain? What size kit do I need to convert 1 cart of Fina? How many carts and what size kit do I need to get started on a beginner cycle of ED injections about 6 weeks long

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by MFWard143
    will someone go over the basics for me since i am very new at all the terms and amounts?
    what is a cart and how much does it contain? What size kit do I need to convert 1 cart of Fina? How many carts and what size kit do I need to get started on a beginner cycle of ED injections about 6 weeks long
    1 cart of fina=2g. tren acetate. A 2g. kit is what you need to convert it. IMO, it seems that you need to do a bit more research before you begin. We also need some stats too. I wouldn't reccomend fina in a first cycle. It will give you a lot of sides if you've never used it before. Go with test cyp or enth at 500-600mg EW divided into two shots of 250-300mg. When I run tren from now on I'm only running it with test prop. I am making a Pro-Fina concoction that is 100mg prop and 50mg fina, and will shoot this ED. COmes out to be 700mg test prop and 350mg tren EW. Have you ever used tren before?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by MFWard143
    will someone go over the basics for me since i am very new at all the terms and amounts?
    what is a cart and how much does it contain? What size kit do I need to convert 1 cart of Fina? How many carts and what size kit do I need to get started on a beginner cycle of ED injections about 6 weeks long
    1 cart contains 2 you'll need a 2 gram kit to convert the fina.

    You need to run fina for a minumum of 8 weeks,so get 2 carts and a 4 gram kit.That will give you about 40 mls of fina.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    New England

    Thumbs up Thank You!

    Hey guys that lil bit of ifo I have been searching for a while now thank u, The reason I want to run with fina is because it is really the only thing i get get now! So i will take my chances any other input would be great!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by MFWard143
    Hey guys that lil bit of ifo I have been searching for a while now thank u, The reason I want to run with fina is because it is really the only thing i get get now! So i will take my chances any other input would be great!
    Instead of Finaplix, look up synovex-h. Same conversion process although slightly easier and it makes testosterone propionate. Much better choice.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by MFWard143
    Hey guys that lil bit of ifo I have been searching for a while now thank u, The reason I want to run with fina is because it is really the only thing i get get now! So i will take my chances any other input would be great!
    Your running test with the tren right?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    New England

    Post Thanks

    I am not running anything eles because i can not get any thing else, and why would I want to try Synovex what is the difference?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Dude, I would highly suggest finding some test. Your johnson will thank you.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by MFWard143
    I am not running anything eles because i can not get any thing else, and why would I want to try Synovex what is the difference?
    It's a testosterone converted from a cattle implant just like the finaplix. Fina on it's own will shut off your own natural testosterone production and leave you hurting pretty bad in the end as you'll have no exogenous source of testosterone coming in. Testosterone Propionate will shut off your natural test production as well but the difference is it is an outside source of more test than your body would ever make on it's own so you'll feel great, get great results, and have all the test you need. Either way you need to get proper PCT as well though.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    The Lab
    Quote Originally Posted by ECoastVIP
    It's a testosterone converted from a cattle implant just like the finaplix. Fina on it's own will shut off your own natural testosterone production and leave you hurting pretty bad in the end as you'll have no exogenous source of testosterone coming in. Testosterone Propionate will shut off your natural test production as well but the difference is it is an outside source of more test than your body would ever make on it's own so you'll feel great, get great results, and have all the test you need. Either way you need to get proper PCT as well though.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Bro I wouldn't run a Fina only cycle. I forgot who but someone posted that they did that and got very bad sides and got shut down VERY badly.

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