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Thread: 1st week(5thday) Clembuterol is this right??

  1. #1

    1st week(5thday) Clembuterol is this right??

    1st week & side effects are a little cramping but MASSIVE headaches!!!!!
    1 pump from Ventipulmin is = to how many ??
    I went from 1/4 pump 2 days to 1/3 pump then 1/2..
    That sound ok??
    Any feedback is appreciated.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Headaches may subside after the first wk or two. I cannot speak from experience because I just started it myself . But I have tabs .02mcg much easier to contoll the dose.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Buckeye state
    yeah im getting headaches like crazy even off of 60 mcg. cramping up in the top of my nexk,. right where my traps meet my skull. take some tylenol. but trust me the cramps are well worth it,.. ive been on since thursday. lost almost 1 3/4 % body fat so far. i love this ****

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    I am currently doing 3ml of syrup on my fithday too. I don't have the headaches. I did try and do squats on the 3rd day and noticed that my energy was up..
    I was speaking to this girl about my clen and she told me she would do 2 of the 3 ml shots twice a day. Also she could do cardio on it. Obviously this stuff affects people in a different ways. I did sleep like some have said for hours on my six day at 3 ml. Weird cause I never slept so long. My wife was asking me if I was sick. Either way I got the shakes for about an hour then they dissapear. Good luck. 7 more days to go.
    Are the tabs stronger than the syrup? Does anyone know?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    I was up to 160mcg (8 pumps) each pump is ,20mcg. take Taurine & potassium to combat the cramps. Also do cardio before taking the clen. And take it all at once in the morning.

    i worked my way up to that dosage, I had headaches but they went away after a few days.

  6. #6
    So 1 full pump is .20mcg?
    I want to make sure my dosage is correct with the pump.
    Thanks so far for the input! And it is either hard to sleep or I can't wake up

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Lovin Alba's butt
    I never have gotten headachs from clen, even at my highest dose of 180mcg. I did feel like crap though, never that high for a while.
    take 4g of taurine it will help out a lot
    and yes usually one pump is 20mcg. If you dont want to spray it, get a slin pin to measure

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Up there
    potassium supplementation is also said to work good.

  9. #9
    Thanks fish bulb
    Yes I am taking 200-300 of Potassium a day!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Lovin Alba's butt
    lmao your the first person to call me that! sweet.
    Get some taurine though cheap and works well

  11. #11
    As Fraiser say's "Guilty as charged"
    I am going 1 week on 1 off for 6-8 weeks!
    How does this sound?
    #1- 1/2 pump
    #2- 2/3 pump
    #3- 1 pump
    #4- 1 1/4 pump
    #5-1.5 pump
    #6-1 2/3 pump
    #7- 2 pumps
    This is my 1st week so I still am unsure.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Lovin Alba's butt
    No id do one pump then go up from there.
    day 1 1 pump
    day 2 2 pumps
    day 3 3 pumps
    and so on, till your sides suck... ie headachs, muscle achs and over all feeling "wierd"
    I personally only use it for 7-10 days. as I lose weight really fast off of it. so for two weeks I mentally cant take losing 10 lbs... good luck

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