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Thread: cutting up on cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    cutting up on cycle

    I have completed my off cycle from my last cycle. Results were good and I have kept most of the size and weight that I gained. I am ready to start a new cycle but I want to get ripped. I have read many posts from senior members that say if water retention is not an issue for competition then you can use any of the AAS while cutting body fat. I am not too concerned about what to use to cut up on. My dilemma is that I don’t think that I can loose body fat and still get in the amount of protein that is generally accepted as needed for being on cycle. Can I eat more while on cycle than I normally do while when I diet off cycle and still loose body fat. Can I still grow while cutting or are the drugs just going to help me keep what I have gained from the last cycle. Am I wasting my time and money by being on cycle while cutting?

    The cycle I am considering:

    Week 1-12 400 Test E
    Week 1-8 400 Deca
    Week 9-14 50 Winny EOD
    Week 9-14 20 anavar ED
    Week 1-14 21 Tamox ED

    Thanks for your thoughts.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    being on a cycle while wanna bulk while cut? generally doesnt work too well, best to cut/bulk seperatley as to bulk you need to maintain a high num of cals etc

    and well, why not cut after it?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    One up on you
    Yes you can gain mass while you cut as long as your diet is perfect. Being on gear while cutting is 1 method of definitely not losing any muscle while you cut either. But if your diet is on, and you train hard you will still be able to gain lean mass while cutting, especially on gear


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Thanks Lean....

  5. #5
    hard to say.. u can go for LBM, but most bros either straight bulk or straight cut. mind u if your an advanced enough user and are cycling for a long enough period then a combo can be done. u wont get huge... but if i was u i'd consider running a prop/tren combo

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    You can gain mass while cutting, but depending upon your genetics, how extreme your cutting diet and cardio plan is, and numerous other factors, it may require large amounts of gear, even more so than you have listed as your cycle. I was reading an article by an NPC bodybuilder a while back and he lists what he was taking to maintain muscle while getting ripped to shreds for a state event, and this was his stack:

    His weekly totals were:

    Testosterone blend 1000 mg

    Trenbolone acetate 750 mg

    Winstrol 700 mg

    Equipoise 400 mg

    Clomid 350 mg

    Heat Miser* 28 ml.

    *a bootleg thermogenic drug combining T-3, clenbuterol, and yohimbine in an oral solution.

    And this is a guy with great genetics, who was already benching a crap load and had a great physique before he started with steroids. His name is Rash Riprock least thats what he says his name is in the article, so who knows if its his real name.

    My point is: Don't count on gaining much muscle while dieting. Its possible, but don't be dissapointed if it doesn't happen.

  7. #7
    one sec i'll answer these:

    "My dilemma is that I don’t think that I can loose body fat and still get in the amount of protein that is generally accepted as needed for being on cycle. "

    whats your body fat %??? this is not an option or just don't cycle... 1.5g per lbs

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    [email protected]
    its a very delicate balance, but yes, you can do it. i've dropped about 3% in body fat in 12 weeks and have gained 3-5 pounds of lean mass. my real concern is maintaining what I have now and just leaning out. You HAVE TO cut calories, no way around it. cardio and diet is 85% if not 90% of a cutting cycle. figure out your maintenance calories and start dropping 500calories at a time till you find your number. IMO, aromatise meds will fustrate you when you're dieting, cardio everyday, but still look puffy because of all the water you're holding. i did a cutting cycle on test e, yeah, it worked, but im much much happier on test p/tren a at 75mg ED. I've been on for 12 weeks, just thru in masteron at 75mg ed and will go another 12. goal is 185-190 at 7% bf.

    good luck brother.

  9. #9
    "Can I eat more while on cycle than I normally do while when I diet off cycle and still loose body fat."

    yeah i think this would be a safe assumption... your only eating clean tho and sticking to a diet that will result in you getting cut. i find test helps burn down my bf%

  10. #10
    "Can I still grow while cutting or are the drugs just going to help me keep what I have gained from the last cycle"

    see above. one more comment... deca is not much of a cutting drug... might want to consider putting something else in there

  11. #11
    "Am I wasting my time and money by being on cycle while cutting?"

    yeah i think you are with the stack you suggested.. i dont know your esxperience with sause but i'd cut out winny, and deca and toss in something like tren. diet is gonna be huge and train your balls off

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Thanks for the input guys....I appreciate learning from your experience. BTW...this will be my third cycle. I am 6' 235, have done 2 cycles and have gained about 20 pounds on each. My BF is around 15%. I dont have access to Tren which is why I have deca in the cycle. I can get prop...just hate the thought of daily injections. How does prop work better than enanthate or cyp for cutting?

  13. #13
    prop holds less water

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Eddie8
    How does prop work better than enanthate or cyp for cutting?

    It tends to give less water retention in most users. IMO if you don't compete it doesn't matter.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    [email protected]
    Quote Originally Posted by Eddie8
    Thanks for the input guys....I appreciate learning from your experience. BTW...this will be my third cycle. I am 6' 235, have done 2 cycles and have gained about 20 pounds on each. My BF is around 15%. I dont have access to Tren which is why I have deca in the cycle. I can get prop...just hate the thought of daily injections. How does prop work better than enanthate or cyp for cutting?
    no access to tren? you're kidding right? you in the US?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    No, not kidding... I get all of my gear legit through a pharmacy and with a prescription. They dont make tren.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Well I have done some reading and understand the Tren a bit more now. Is the only way that you can get it is to make it yourself? Sounds a bit unsanitary to me at first read. thanks for the posts.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

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