I have completed my off cycle from my last cycle. Results were good and I have kept most of the size and weight that I gained. I am ready to start a new cycle but I want to get ripped. I have read many posts from senior members that say if water retention is not an issue for competition then you can use any of the AAS while cutting body fat. I am not too concerned about what to use to cut up on. My dilemma is that I don’t think that I can loose body fat and still get in the amount of protein that is generally accepted as needed for being on cycle. Can I eat more while on cycle than I normally do while when I diet off cycle and still loose body fat. Can I still grow while cutting or are the drugs just going to help me keep what I have gained from the last cycle. Am I wasting my time and money by being on cycle while cutting?
The cycle I am considering:
Week 1-12 400 Test E
Week 1-8 400 Deca
Week 9-14 50 Winny EOD
Week 9-14 20 anavar ED
Week 1-14 21 Tamox ED
Thanks for your thoughts.