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  1. #1
    NATTY is offline Associate Member
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    I Think I ****ed Up this Injection...Any Help?

    Hey fella's Ive shot about two weeks worth of prop at 75 mg ed and I love it. Stings a bit but up untill now no problems at all. However, today I think I may have not gone deep enough, I shot in my tricep and its pretty swolen, At first it felt great, it still doesnt really hurt, I guess its throbing a little but not much. Anyway I was driving at work today jsut massaging it or whatever and then I realized it fwelt a bit bigger, I checked it out and it is definetly swolen. My question is this.
    1. If i didnt hit the muscle is this very bad?
    2. Should I consider this a "missed" shot?
    3. I am using insulin needles (and to this point have had no problems, I know not everyone on here uses these but I, and several others do) Is it possible that I just didnt go deep enough?
    Thanks for any help fellas

  2. #2
    Mealticket's Avatar
    Mealticket is offline Senior Member
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    I have NEVER heard of anyone shooting prop w/ an insulin needle. It must take you 5 minutes to administer the injection. You know how much PSI you can generate w/ a slin needle. You're probablly damaged the fuk out of the muscle. Remember, as hard as you're pushing on the syrenge is as hard as that fluid is shooting into your muscle.

  3. #3
    NATTY is offline Associate Member
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    Ok and in regards to the question do you have any help?

  4. #4
    aussiejuicer's Avatar
    aussiejuicer is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by NATTY
    Ok and in regards to the question do you have any help?
    Use a bigger needle and rotate around some other larger muscle sites. You wouldn't have a problem of not going too far enough in your triceps.

  5. #5
    Mealticket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NATTY
    Ok and in regards to the question do you have any help?
    Don't be a smart azz. Reread my response!!!!
    Last edited by Mealticket; 07-06-2004 at 11:50 PM.

  6. #6
    NATTY is offline Associate Member
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    Right now I hit delts tris bis and pecs. I have been using insulin neeedles the whole time and have talked to MANY other bros who do the same, I do rotate injection sites ed, I hit all 8 spots. Any feedback on my questions...number 1 or number 2?

  7. #7
    Krunchtime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mealticket
    Don't be a smart azz you ignorant fuk!
    are you taking test? that was something I was about to say... so i guess there is no need to repeat it

  8. #8
    NATTY is offline Associate Member
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    Mealticket: I wasnt being a smart ass, at least that wasn't my intent at all I was merely asking for your help, I suppose one could call that being ignorant; however I feel that when I am unsure about something I ask, and I usually try to ask people that are more knowledable than me on the subject. I apologize if i have offended you in any way, and I am a little unsure as to why you reacted in such a completely unneccesary manner. I never insulted you or swore at you and You doing so to me is completely unnecesary. Again, no hard feelings bro but next time please try not to be so quick to start throwing around that trash, it doesnt help anyone, especially not me, who is just here to learn and improve my body safely.
    Last edited by NATTY; 07-06-2004 at 11:45 PM.

  9. #9
    NATTY is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krunchtime
    are you taking test?
    Yes I am taking 75 mg ed.

  10. #10
    Mealticket's Avatar
    Mealticket is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by NATTY
    Mealticket: I wasnt being a smart ass, at least that want my intent at all I was merely asking for your help, I suppose one could call that being ignorant; however I feel that when I am unsure about something I ask, and I usually try to ask people that are more knowledable than me on the subject. I apologize if i have offended you in any way, and I am a little unsure as to why you reacted in such a completely unneccesary manner. I never insulted you or swore at you, both of which are considered to be immature and over the top. Again, no hard feelings bro but next time please try not to be so quick to start throwing around that trash, it doesnt help anyone, especially not me, who is just here to learn and improve my body safely.
    I did offer you help. I told you what it COULD be. Ask any well educated medical professional. Sometimes it will hurt less to administer w/ a smaller gauge needle than a larger onwe. W/ a slin needle you basically have the equivelant of a pressure washer inside your muscle. I can't even imagine how hard you have to press to move the oil through the needle. That it turn comes shooting out of the needle into your muscle @ a ridiculously hard rate, hence in what i said; damaging the muscle. If you use a slightly smaller gauge the fluid will come out more easily and not bruise the inside of the muscle as bad. That's why sometimes you'll have less pain w/ a smaller gauge needle. It doesn't cause as much trauma for the muscle.

    When i shoot into my triceps it's always sore red and puffy for 3-5 days afterwards. I no longer do theses 2 sites because w/ me it affects me badly

  11. #11
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Is this the first time hitting tricepts? If so the muscle will need time to stretch the fascia......... and this could be why it feels like it's throbbing....... and it's also why it looks swollen.

    I always use 1" 25g pinz for all injections but have heard of some using slin pinz for bi and tri injections......... You might want to start using 25g pinz though..... JMO

    There's always that chance you didn't go deep enough...... but unless your bf is extreamly high you should be ok because the tri's are usually leaner than other injection spots on the body.

  12. #12
    NATTY is offline Associate Member
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    Mealticket: Wow, Thanks alot bro, That was pretty inforamtive and makes a lot of sense to me. I guess my thinking was that the smaller the needle the less it would hurt because you would be doing less damage to the muscle when you punctured it (if you follow what i mean?) Anyway Its not that bad in terms of pain, and I am not too worried about the swelling, I was just more concernced with wether or not it was a wasted shot and if it was going to end up as something worse than just slightly swollen and a little sore. Thanks again for your help, it is much appreciated.

  13. #13
    almostgone's Avatar
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    I've been drawing TP with 18 ga. and using a 20 ga. x 1.5" in the quads, should I go to a smaller pin(25)?


  14. #14
    TheMudMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone
    I've been drawing TP with 18 ga. and using a 20 ga. x 1.5" in the quads, should I go to a smaller pin(25)?

    That's a huge gaged pin to be using...... itwill leave lots of scar tissue. I only use 25g

  15. #15
    jmp51483's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMudMan
    That's a huge gaged pin to be using...... itwill leave lots of scar tissue. I only use 25g
    Yea I totally agree I had to use a 21g in my delts twice while waiting on some new ones to come in... Ouch... That sucks

  16. #16
    almostgone's Avatar
    almostgone is offline AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Thanks, TMM and jmp, appreciate the info and will learn from your experience....have a good one...........

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