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Thread: can winstrol show up as meth in a drug test?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    bout my money

    can winstrol show up as meth in a drug test?

    my friend wants to do winny and some other stuff, but he gets drug tested cause he's on probation. he happened to hear that winny shows up as a methanphedimine on a drug test. i couldnt see this happening but he wanted to be safe so i figured id ask for him

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    delivering newspapers
    I've never heard of that being possible, or can't understand how a steroid would show up as speed, I think he's ok on a rec. drug test as long as he's not being tested for steroids.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    east coast
    I would assume that the methylation of winstrol is why it could possibly should up as methamphetimine. But i don't think it would...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    I get randomly drug tested on a regular basis at work...they test for all kinds of stuff including meth...I have been tested while on winny and nothing showed up so there should'nt be a problem.IMO.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Al Asad, Iraq

    Wink methyl group

    the methylation would lead an uneducated person to believe that it would show up as meth, but not true. drug tests do not test for methyl (CH3) groups, it would be entirely ineffecient and almost always innaccurate. Unless there is an amphetamine in his blood, then none will show up. the only time i've seen false positives,(unless the lab ****s up) are if people are taking a different form, or derivative of a drug i.e. someone is tested positive for opiates becuase they have been eating poppie(sp) seeds. but even then its unlikely as you'd have to eat about 20 lbs of raw seed

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by angelxterminator
    the methylation would lead an uneducated person to believe that it would show up as meth, but not true. drug tests do not test for methyl (CH3) groups, it would be entirely ineffecient and almost always innaccurate. Unless there is an amphetamine in his blood, then none will show up. the only time i've seen false positives,(unless the lab ****s up) are if people are taking a different form, or derivative of a drug i.e. someone is tested positive for opiates becuase they have been eating poppie(sp) seeds. but even then its unlikely as you'd have to eat about 20 lbs of raw seed

    OOOOO look at Mr. Big Shot...... j/k

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Al Asad, Iraq

    Red face

    lol nice bannana face. sry i'm only used to reading and posting on the hive, not here!

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