I need advice on the compounds below. Here is my “new” cycle:
Weeks 1-8: Test Prop 100mg/EOD
Weeks 1-8: Durabolin 100mg/EOD
or Masteron 100mg/eod
Weeks 3-8: Anavar 30-40mg/day
or Winny 40mg/day
I think this will give me about 10lbs of keepable muscle. I bloat a tonne on Test (yes, even Prop), so I think .25mg L-dex/day and 20mg/nolva a day should cut that down
PCT: 300/100/50 for 21 days with l-dex and Clen (no nolva as I don’t want the estrogen rebound from it)
I’m not ready for Fina just yet, peeing blood is a bit scarey.
Let me know what you think, as I value all bros opinions on the board